How Miami Becomes a National Contender (ESPN)



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While I agree, Diaz does not excel at situational blitzing.

Blitzing with a purpose. Not just to blitz. Needs work.

Yeah, sick getting gashed by little dump off passes after getting caught in a blitz. Russeau and Roche coming off the edge should help not having us blitz so much.
Our WRs suck everybody is a project or limited. The only complete guys we have on roster is Wiggins and Payton and we don’t know if they can take it up a level. Everybody else has a size concern or are too young to judge.
Dude said Wiggins a complete receiver lmao
Dude said Wiggins a complete receiver lmao
Name how he isn’t? He can play inside or out, gets decent seperation, has some speed, and decent hands. He’ll never be a draft pick but Lol if you don’t think he isn’t the best guy we got. What? Mike Harley is? He couldn’t catch a cold if you sneezed on him but y’all want keep talking about him.
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Manny's defenses, since he's been here, have consistently been some of the best in the country after halftime.

Not a perfect metric, but this is 2nd half points allowed per game:

2019 -- 10.2 (24th)
2018 -- 8.9 (12th)
2017 -- 11.1 (39th)
2016 -- 8.3 (6th)

But ****, I'm not gonna be the guy who lets facts get in the way of a good cry. Have at it.
I think, if some one can find the appropriate stat, that second half points allowed is inversely related to offensive productivity. Meaning, as the offense deteriorated over that last four years, the defense was increasingly gassed by games end.
Hum, my daddy always said, "Boy, IF a dog had a square *****, he would sh** bricks!" 2017 did show us that we can catch fire and excite the world but it also showed us we need a coach big enough for that moment - anyone think we have that coach?
The article also pointed out that our WRs were ok against zone coverage but terrible against man to man. I had never seen that data..

Lets hope Likens teaches our guys to defeat man to man coverage early and often. Defensive coordinators will likely stick with man until we burn them. Having a QB who can really help the O by running the ball effectivley himself should open things up enormously. Our D under Randy was constantly being abused by running QBs who saw daylight as our CBs covered downfield with their backs to the line of scrimmage. Would love to return the favor.