How is Butch Davis not in the UMHOF?

Because the Communist infiltration throughout our society is more pervasive than people imagine. Also, several alien races intent on domination throughout the universe have replaced key UMHOF voting figures with robots under their complete control. My sauces tell me intel indicates Frenk is actually a gray lizard being.


@Suhrthing @SWFLHurricane knows whatz upz
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You got me here, I thought he left before the bowl.

He beat UF once, let’s put him in the Hall.
To be honest, I don't care if they let him in or not. I don't know the behind the scenes machinations of who screwed who over and if that should preclude him from entry into the Hall.

From a strictly performance criteria and his contribution to the university's football program, I don't see how you can't let him in if Larry Coker is in the Hall. The Canes would not have hoisted title number 5 if Butch was not there in the previous 5 years assembling the talent. Not a good game day coach, but better than Coker all the same. I think a good question to ask is, if Coker was hired instead of Butch as HC in 1995, does the 2001 title occur?
Butch rebuilt a program that was on life support, with zero investment or help from the school. He definitely had flaws as a coach that no one will dispute, but I never can believe the amount of our own fans who have such disdain for him.

No coach since him has really even come close except maybe Rick. But yeah Butch sucked.

I find it interesting that anyone who is intellectually honest about his triumphs, faults, successes, and missteps is considered to have "disdain" for him. Especially in the last few years when the debate was whether he should be hired by UM while he couldn't win a game or recruit at one of the lowest levels of CFB. The man has had a very rocky and up and down career, praise and criticism are both fair.

Some of us are old enough to remember the "Fire Butch" banners that were flown over the OB too, btw. They were flown by the same people who paid to fly the "Hire Butch" banners a couple of decades later.
Great recruiter and evaluator but god awful on game days. He needed great talent to over come his corching. When Bruce Arians calls you a huge ***** that speaks. I have no distain towards the guy I just tell the whole story when the god status talk starts.

I will not try to "convert" you to worshipping Butch the God, but consider this (and I was in school for part of Butch's time and a young-alum for the rest)...

Butch tied for first in the Big East in his first two years. The first year we self-banned from a bowl game, but based on Butch's bowl record (4-0), it's reasonable to conclude that we would have won.

And if we did, and ignoring (for a moment) the horrible 1997 5-6 year, this is what Butch would have accomplished:

1995 - 9-3 - first place Big East (assuming bowl win) - Top 25 ranking (ineligible for Coaches, but #20 final AP)
1996 - 9-3 - first place Big East - Top 25 ranking
1997 - intentionally omitted for obvious reasons
1998 - 9-3 - second place Big East - Top 25 ranking
1999 - 9-4 - second place Big East - Top 25 ranking
2000 - 11-1 - first place Big East - Top 25 ranking

Now, what I'm pointing out involves a couple of things. First, I don't think he was "god-awful" on game days. Now, we know that from 1995-1999, we lost five straight to F$U and VaTech. So based on my list above (omitting 1997), F$U and VaTech account for 8 of the 13 losses shown in those particular years. So the other five games we lost:

1995 - season opener to ranked UCLA in Pasadena
1996 - loss to East Carolina in Miami - NO EXCUSES, horrible loss
1997 - intentionally omitted for obvious reasons
1998 - loss to ranked Syracuse in New York - NO EXCUSES, horrible loss due to the margin of victory
1999 - loss to ranked Pedo State in Miami - I was there, no need to go into detail on the horrible Chafie Fields TD reception, close game
1999 - loss to East Carolina in Raleigh - NO EXCUSES, horrible loss

So if you look at those five losses, three were to ranked teams, and the East Carolina losses were ATROCIOUS. The only Big East loss in those five games was the Syracuse blowout in 1998. We F$U and VaTech...

Finally, I'll leave you with this. The first two years that Butch took us to first place BE finishes...he wasn't "out-talenting" everyone. He was stuck with Erickson's leftovers, the undisciplined bunch who helped to get us probation. I can at least see your argument in the later years. I'd also point out that Butch improved his coaching staff over time, particularly when Schiano took over for Bill Miller.

Do I wish we had won our OOC games against UCLA and ECU and Pedo State and Washington? Absolutely.

Do I wish we had beaten F$U and VaTech more frequently from 1995-1999? **** yes.

But in 6 years, we had 3 first place BE finishes and 2 second place BE finishes. We went 4-0 in bowl games. We finished in the Top 25 rankings for 5 of those 6 years. And all of that was with BRUTAL probation/sanctions and a distinct lack of support from the UM administration.

It's a pretty **** good performance from a fifth-choice coaching hire. I think Butch could have been a better game-day coach, but I really don't think that's what led to most of our losses in that time period. And I think the "talent" issue was more of a real thing in his last three years.
I’m just asking questions because at the end of the day the venn diagram of Mario and Butch is going to be remarkably similar.
I will not try to "convert" you to worshipping Butch the God, but consider this (and I was in school for part of Butch's time and a young-alum for the rest)...

Butch tied for first in the Big East in his first two years. The first year we self-banned from a bowl game, but based on Butch's bowl record (4-0), it's reasonable to conclude that we would have won.

And if we did, and ignoring (for a moment) the horrible 1997 5-6 year, this is what Butch would have accomplished:

1995 - 9-3 - first place Big East (assuming bowl win) - Top 25 ranking (ineligible for Coaches, but #20 final AP)
1996 - 9-3 - first place Big East - Top 25 ranking
1997 - intentionally omitted for obvious reasons
1998 - 9-3 - second place Big East - Top 25 ranking
1999 - 9-4 - second place Big East - Top 25 ranking
2000 - 11-1 - first place Big East - Top 25 ranking

Now, what I'm pointing out involves a couple of things. First, I don't think he was "god-awful" on game days. Now, we know that from 1995-1999, we lost five straight to F$U and VaTech. So based on my list above (omitting 1997), F$U and VaTech account for 8 of the 13 losses shown in those particular years. So the other five games we lost:

1995 - season opener to ranked UCLA in Pasadena
1996 - loss to East Carolina in Miami - NO EXCUSES, horrible loss
1997 - intentionally omitted for obvious reasons
1998 - loss to ranked Syracuse in New York - NO EXCUSES, horrible loss due to the margin of victory
1999 - loss to ranked Pedo State in Miami - I was there, no need to go into detail on the horrible Chafie Fields TD reception, close game
1999 - loss to East Carolina in Raleigh - NO EXCUSES, horrible loss

So if you look at those five losses, three were to ranked teams, and the East Carolina losses were ATROCIOUS. The only Big East loss in those five games was the Syracuse blowout in 1998. We F$U and VaTech...

Finally, I'll leave you with this. The first two years that Butch took us to first place BE finishes...he wasn't "out-talenting" everyone. He was stuck with Erickson's leftovers, the undisciplined bunch who helped to get us probation. I can at least see your argument in the later years. I'd also point out that Butch improved his coaching staff over time, particularly when Schiano took over for Bill Miller.

Do I wish we had won our OOC games against UCLA and ECU and Pedo State and Washington? Absolutely.

Do I wish we had beaten F$U and VaTech more frequently from 1995-1999? **** yes.

But in 6 years, we had 3 first place BE finishes and 2 second place BE finishes. We went 4-0 in bowl games. We finished in the Top 25 rankings for 5 of those 6 years. And all of that was with BRUTAL probation/sanctions and a distinct lack of support from the UM administration.

It's a pretty **** good performance from a fifth-choice coaching hire. I think Butch could have been a better game-day coach, but I really don't think that's what led to most of our losses in that time period. And I think the "talent" issue was more of a real thing in his last three years.
My motto on Butch has always been “ only Butch Davis could’ve found a way to lose a game with that 2000 roster “. I will argue to the day I die that‘s a better team on paper than the 2001 team. That said I will always give him his flowers as a recruiter , evaluator and developing players. But on Saturday’s he was atrocious. He coached scared and not to lose.
My motto on Butch has always been “ only Butch Davis could’ve found a way to lose a game with that 2000 roster “. I will argue to the day I die that‘s a better team on paper than the 2001 team. That said I will always give him his flowers as a recruiter , evaluator and developing players. But on Saturday’s he was atrocious. He coached scared and not to lose.
Also, one of the few guys that could ever assemble a roster like that 2000 team.
Just the way I see it. I respect your take, but it wont change my mind. Thankfully, other folks hold the power to induct him. I would contact them, instead of wasting your time on me. I'm nobody. I just like PB&J sandwiches.


"And all together: So what? At what point does the context outweigh the action? Here is Buck Ortega, quarterback at Miami Gulliver High School and a recruit whom Davis visited on Sunday. Interviewed by the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, Ortega quoted Davis as telling him this: "I took this job to be my last one. I'm going to stay until I retire."


"When he finished addressing his players, Davis asked if any of them wanted to speak. None did. None rose to embrace the coach or shake his hand. "Jaws dropping, eyes bugging out," is the way McKinnie recalls the scene. "Total shock." Davis walked toward the door, where Shockey, who had arrived late, was standing. "He looked at me and gave me a little nod, and I nodded back," says Shockey. "Then he just bowed his head, and he was gone." In his absence the players met alone, many of them rising in anger at Davis. "People were real mad," said McKinnie. "Especially the young guys who have three, four years left. He told us he would be here."
Too F-ing bad....he made 20 Million dollars instead of 6 Million...
Howard left UM Hanging for more $$$$
JJ left UM Hanging for more $$$$$
Both get passes, but not Butch...
Again, not to reiterate, Too F-ing Bad....Boo Hoo Hoo....Thank Dead Gator Boy Paul Dee for that debacle.
To be honest, I don't care if they let him in or not. I don't know the behind the scenes machinations of who screwed who over and if that should preclude him from entry into the Hall.

From a strictly performance criteria and his contribution to the university's football program, I don't see how you can't let him in if Larry Coker is in the Hall. The Canes would not have hoisted title number 5 if Butch was not there in the previous 5 years assembling the talent. Not a good game day coach, but better than Coker all the same. I think a good question to ask is, if Coker was hired instead of Butch as HC in 1995, does the 2001 title occur?
ROTFLMFAO at UM winning a Natty in 01 if Coker was HC in 95...
Too F-ing bad....he made 20 Million dollars instead of 6 Million...
Howard left UM Hanging for more $$$$
JJ left UM Hanging for more $$$$$
Both get passes, but not Butch...
Again, not to reiterate, Too F-ing Bad....Boo Hoo Hoo....Thank Dead Gator Boy Paul Dee for that debacle.

JJ won a ring. Howard won a ring. Dennis won rings. Butch didnt. He is not at their level. Ever. No reply needed.