Holloman to Miami?

Kids deserve a second chance. I've seen and know like everyone here, that kids of other persuasions and more money are not charged or given many more chances to move on with their lives unencumbered by any legal issues. It sickens me to listen to all this moralistic bs drabble when I see too many here and in general actually defend criminals who have a greater impact on all of us.
Kids deserve a second chance. I've seen and know like everyone here, that kids of other persuasions and more money are not charged or given many more chances to move on with their lives unencumbered by any legal issues. It sickens me to listen to all this moralistic bs drabble when I see too many here and in general actually defend criminals who have a greater impact on all of us.
I agree with your statement about the racial and financial inequities in the justice system; whether by police or courts. As a private criminal defense attorney, and former public defender in Atlanta, I see the inequities every single day. But this may not be the case in which to make the argument. White people and people with money also get charged with domestic violence. This particular crime tends to cross lines.
Ah, that kid. Kid is a bigtime talent, but ….

1.) We don't need to take any transfer WR's. We are good there.
2.) The trouble that he got in isn't necessarily something that we need to get mixed up with. I don't know the details, if he ultimately got charged etc but I think we're good...
I dont know about this kid and his situation sounds bad so its a pass on him, but your definition of being good at WR is what exactly? From what I remember we were very weak there last year. Guys were dropping passes left n right. We overhype our guys every year it seems. We lost to GT, BC, Duke, wtf..
But we need literally any other position besides WR...
We could use OL, RB,CB, or LB. Maybe even Safety. But not WRs.
Probably going to visit fau. They take kids with prior baggage like that

That was my thought, too. Either Kiffin or Butch will take a hard look at him. I can't see him at Miami, and we don't need him.
Kids deserve a second chance. I've seen and know like everyone here, that kids of other persuasions and more money are not charged or given many more chances to move on with their lives unencumbered by any legal issues. It sickens me to listen to all this moralistic bs drabble when I see too many here and in general actually defend criminals who have a greater impact on all of us.

Bro, he busted up a woman. I have no sympathy.

Had it been some bullshlt like weed or maybe even a little bit of impaired driving whatever, or maybe he busted up a guy, then sure. But it takes a real bltch to hit a woman and put six stitches in her face