Hey Mario [kneeling is a thing]

This is 100% on Mario but why was TVD not saying no we aren’t running the ball? Why was nobody saying take a knee?
B/c it had to have been intentional. That is the only explanation that makes sense. At a minimum the OC, QB and center all had to actively take part. Then there were about 100 other people who could have said 'why aren't we kneeling?' The only thing that makes sense is they were running on purpose and counting on Chaney not fumbling.
You kneel the ball when the opponent has no chance of stopping the clock or getting the ball back. It’s called “ the victory formation“ for a reason.
Black Panther Avengers GIF
We told you. He is who he is. He will drop a game he shouldn’t. But we heard he recruits bro. Stack talent bro. Where are all the Mario lovers. Don’t hide now.