Herb waters packers


Dec 4, 2011
Seems to really be impressing folks in Green Bay
Good for him, I hope he continues to do well and gets healthy in time.
I remember people swearing that Waters should have been a DB at Miami when he was recruited and signed.

... Looks like those people were correct.
You just have to understand the S. Florida athlete.

Most of these cats can play multiple positions AND DO play multiple positions since optimist.

I know we've said ti a billion times, but it all comes down to 2 things:

1. Coaching
2. The player being able to put his ego aside and embrace the position that's best for him (and not necessarily what he enjoys playing the most).
Pretty sure D Money called this before he left UM

Every time I'm about to give up on this Demetrius Money character he pulls me back in
The player being able to put his ego aside and embrace the position that's best for him (and not necessarily what he enjoys playing the most).

How many freak athletes are selling insurance now because their ego wouldn't let them play any position but QB? I wish someone would've kept a list over the last 15 years of kids who shot put a football in the passing game just well enough to be decent in HS and CFB but would've been monster WR/DBs....
Shields is apparently trying to get back into the league. ... I wonder how much of that 39M contract from 2014 Sam was able to earn out. Looks like he got 12.5 right away. Probably 25+ all in?? After taxes, 15. That's money that 99% of Americans only dream about. Hope he didn't spend it all already and isn't messing with his brain to make more money.

From Wikipedia: "On March 8, 2014, just days away from becoming a free agent, Shields signed a four-year contract with the Packers for $39 million, including a signing bonus of $12.5 million."
Great to hear. Hopefully the injury (arm) isn't bad.

These are some highlights of Herb playing corner at Homestead. I know we had a bunch of DBs, but Golden really did him a disservice by not playing him at corner. His feet, COD and length translate perfectly to the position.

Good as Duke was at RB, I think He would've been an even better DB, probably would've been drafted higher.

Ditto with Cook...remember watching them play AH, they had Cook lined up at OLB or some $h!t, AH snaps the ball, and Cook runs across the field and runs with #1 WR step for step...scary.
Awesome to read that about Herb. Was at the game in Charlottesville when he hurt his spine. Dude came back from that strong. Not sure what he hurt recently, but it's got nothing on that.
Great to hear. Hopefully the injury (arm) isn't bad.

These are some highlights of Herb playing corner at Homestead. I know we had a bunch of DBs, but Golden really did him a disservice by not playing him at corner. His feet, COD and length translate perfectly to the position.


considering we had 7 dbs all go to the league during his time at Miami minutes would have been hard to come by.
Ladarius Gunter ufa
Artie burns drafted
Deon bush drafted
Rayshawn jenkins drafted
Corn elder drafted
Jamal carter ufa
Tracy Howard ufa
Good for him, great athlete, bad hands. Perfect for DB lol.

CFL - normally I'd agree with you as a poster but I wouldn't say he dropped a bunch of passes. He played 2nd/3rd fiddle at Miami and the ball wasn't thrown his way a ton but when it was he caught it. I am completely guessing but what did he avg about 4-500 yards a year? Just don't remember him dropping much. Still think size-wise he's much better as an NFL CB tho. He was fast as ****.