Has Jarren already passed Kosi?

I agree.

Richt said if it wasn't for that injury He suffered in His Jr. year, He would've been a higher rated recruit.

I was highly critical of Him because of His off the field stuff, but He seems to have gotten His $h!t together.
I wonder if he would have been a top 5 qb in this weak recruiting qb group this year. He is a well rounded qb with a big arm and a lot of moxie.
He said "that's not what the players said" after 2 of the hosts said they think it'll be Jarren over Kosi. I'll point out a couple of things:

- Last year during the first weeks of fall practice, Pete - who we know had contact with the players - said he'd talked to a couple of players that thought Kosi was by far the best QB on the team & would win the job.
- If you look at Kelvin Harris' own podcasts (Miami Huddlecast), you'll find some from December where he's talking up Kosi as the guy for the next 3 years. Nothing wrong with him pulling for Kosi, but let's call it what it is: simple favoritism. I've yet to hear him give good reasons for his prediction.

I don't doubt his or Pete's interactions with the players & what they've heard, but that doesn't say as much as it appears to. Most don't know what the coaches are looking for out of the QB on any particular play, how well they're picking up the playbook, or whether they're going to the right reads. All this tells me is that Kosi throws a nice ball, which we know.
I mean, if you're being objective and actually comparing their reps, you'll see that Williams already looks crisper than Perry.

Williams gets the ball out quicker.
Makes the right read more often.
****, for crying out loud, we can barely get the ball snapped on time when Perry is at QB. He takes forever to get the ball snapped. That's a sign that he doesn't quite know what he's looking at pre-snap.
Williams also moves around the pocket very well and doesn't automatically look to run. He'll move around, keep his eyes down field, reset his feet and fire to an open WR. (rather than just take off)

I don't know who's more talented but IMO it's very clear who's better above the neck. One kid got top notch coaching in high school and the other didn't even know how to read a defense when he got here. (which is sad)

We'll see what happens but I think he eventually moves ahead of Perry.
Considering the chatter he’s hearing is coming from actual current players makes it interesting . We will see but kosi definitely has the talent to play and do well here. These next 2 months are pivotal for him
Did you listen to the interview on the first page what former cane kelvin Harris had to say who talked to several players?...
He said "that's not what the players said" after 2 of the hosts said they think it'll be Jarren over Kosi. I'll point out a couple of things:

- Last year during the first weeks of fall practice, Pete - who we know had contact with the players - said he'd talked to a couple of players that thought Kosi was by far the best QB on the team & would win the job.
- If you look at Kelvin Harris' own podcasts (Miami Huddlecast), you'll find some from December where he's talking up Kosi as the guy for the next 3 years. Nothing wrong with him pulling for Kosi, but let's call it what it is: simple favoritism. I've yet to hear him give good reasons for his prediction.

I don't doubt his or Pete's interactions with the players & what they've heard, but that doesn't say as much as it appears to. Most don't know what the coaches are looking for out of the QB on any particular play, how well they're picking up the playbook, or whether they're going to the right reads. All this tells me is that Kosi throws a nice ball, which we know.
From what I have seen from both Kosi and Jarren through the offseason, is it safe to say Kosi has been jumped by Jarren as the heir apparent? In seeing Kosi constantly just hanging out and living the Miami life on social media or giving super cliche comments under a picture of himself from the spring game, or driving around with JT4 (which is strangley alot, and I dont really view his gram often) or chaing females, or seeing that he still hasn't broken the 205 mark in this stage of his time at Miami, I wonder if he cares that much about being great. Words and actions are two very different things.
Then you look at Jarren, and it seems like ever since his Jr year of high school he ha done everything in his power to get better and grow as a leader. Changing his throwing motion successfully before getting here, putting on good weight while here less that 6 months, making big waves in spring, mentoring at his old high school, working with QB gurus to advance his craft, latching on to Malik to embetter his leadership, I feel like his every move is calculated to improve. Maybe I missed whatever Kosi is doing, maybe I am becoming biased, but I just don't see Kosi taking meaningful snaps for UM with the way Jarren is advancing. What do you think CIS? If I am wrong please check me.

WE NEED NKosi to step up and be the man, TRUST ME
Any videos of Rosier running into the huddle and calling the play without his helmet.. mutha flucka was dead drunk or hungover
I mean, if you're being objective and actually comparing their reps, you'll see that Williams already looks crisper than Perry.

Williams gets the ball out quicker.
Makes the right read more often.
****, for crying out loud, we can barely get the ball snapped on time when Perry is at QB. He takes forever to get the ball snapped. That's a sign that he doesn't quite know what he's looking at pre-snap.
Williams also moves around the pocket very well and doesn't automatically look to run. He'll move around, keep his eyes down field, reset his feet and fire to an open WR. (rather than just take off)

I don't know who's more talented but IMO it's very clear who's better above the neck. One kid got top notch coaching in high school and the other didn't even know how to read a defense when he got here. (which is sad)

We'll see what happens but I think he eventually moves ahead of Perry.

You make a great point about the level of high school coaching both QB's received. Another difference is outside of Florida, more QBs are getting privately coached starting at a young age. The trend is hitting Florida now, but QB development as a whole in Florida seems to be behind the rest of the country.
Grown men? Seriously? I'm not saying they're kids, but I was extremely mature at 20 and FAR from a grown man. Until you live on your own and support yourself financially, you are not a grown man.

Nah they’re grown men. You’re line of thinking is why people justify players breaking into cars by calling them “kids”.
Jarren is our future. Hope he can see some time and still red-shirt then take the job next year. He will be a good one for us.
Nah they’re grown men. You’re line of thinking is why people justify players breaking into cars by calling them “kids”.

Do they have a mortgage? Assets? A job they depend on for financial support?

I'm not saying no one is an adult at 20. But most people are not adults at 20.
How have you made it to 187 on this board? lol.

This is the stupidest comeback I've ever heard. I haven't been on the board for long so my opinion is invalidated?

You sounded like a little kid in your initial post and you're only proving that with your responses.
I mean, if you're being objective and actually comparing their reps, you'll see that Williams already looks crisper than Perry.

Williams gets the ball out quicker.
Makes the right read more often.
****, for crying out loud, we can barely get the ball snapped on time when Perry is at QB. He takes forever to get the ball snapped. That's a sign that he doesn't quite know what he's looking at pre-snap.
Williams also moves around the pocket very well and doesn't automatically look to run. He'll move around, keep his eyes down field, reset his feet and fire to an open WR. (rather than just take off)

I don't know who's more talented but IMO it's very clear who's better above the neck. One kid got top notch coaching in high school and the other didn't even know how to read a defense when he got here. (which is sad)

We'll see what happens but I think he eventually moves ahead of Perry.

Not shocked.

I don't jump on freshman hype trains especially at QB but I flip flop back and forth about Perry last year largely due to Rosier being unwatchable at times so Perry couldn't have been any worse. I was never really sold on Perry either. I don't mean to say that in hindsight (he still has 4 years left) but when I watched his film I just saw a bunch of WR wide open down field his entire HS film. I also saw to much quick decision scrambles and it made it worse for me when people said he was in a relatively weak division or level of HS.

With Williams I'm still not 100% sure on his arm strength but his film he showed he could make all the throws not just deep balls then I heard he played in the highest division/level of HS in GA and I just knew he was going to be a beast for us. I'm not flip floppy like I was with Perry last year I am firmly in the Jarren Williams camp unless Weldon pulls an upset.
just be thankful we've got 3 decent qbs to pick from if rosier can't get it done.something that we haven't had in a longtime.besides we need to worry about how our oline is doing this off season.that's where our Achilles heel is.
LOL..."top notch"?

"Top notch" HS coaching staffs don't go .500 with 4* QBs.

"Top notch"...LOL.

You don't know why their team went .500.
And just cause the team as a whole wasn't very good doesn't mean he didn't receive great QB coaching.
LOL @ a single position coach dictating the entire outcome of a team's season. I wouldn't expect you to understand how flawed that logic is.
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This is the stupidest comeback I've ever heard. I haven't been on the board for long so my opinion is invalidated?

You sounded like a little kid in your initial post and you're only proving that with your responses.
I’m saying because folks that respond as you do tend to get outcasted. And if I sound like a kid then you’re contradicting your argument. Kids tend not to worry about the focus and dedication of other kids. Sounds like you might lean toward that group. But hey maybe I’m wrong. Do you.
Just because they don’t post workouts on social media don’t mean they aren’t working. I know what I’ve said in the past about malik(that he’s not putting the time in) but that’s just based on the things he’s said in the past in interviews like how he sounded after losing to pitt and or saying he didn’t watch film his first few years at Miami and he was the backup qb...

Nkosi is working and is close to 200 pounds, he also posted that he can bench over 300 lbs recently too. He’s 6’4 and if he gets to 205 he will be fine for the season . Just from listening to various interviews the players are a lot higher on nkosi than the fans for whatever reason but hey keep doubting him if you want to. I’m holding out hope that he (or jarren) can beat out malik

Kelvin Harris former Miami hurricane who knows some of the current players say kosi is next up pretty much and they are high on him. If you get to his interview in this he actually talks about it

The spring game left me encouraged of what he can do honestly

i'm late to this party, but your first point is spot on. i've seen kosi out running stairs and doing sprints by himself throughout this year, and he does it regularly. if he loses out on the #2 spot, it isn't going to be for lack of effort or focus. people try reading between the lines way too much into social media to the point that they start imagining scenarios.