NFL Gruden out!

If he walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, he’s a duck. There’s no place in the public forum for people like him, Ray Rice or anyone else flying below the most basics lines of human decency. Soon the same will be for those who have a double standard on the far left too. This country will be a better one when we treat the middle ground with the respect it deserves. People need to STFU and focus on being less narcissistic. He obviously needs help. Good riddance
For real though - what a bunch of f#cking nonsense that emails from 2011 are going to cost him his job. I figured it would be a matter of time before he got canceled.
1. Its not nonsense. Its called consequences. If you work for a private entity, you have rules that you have to follow.
2. Gruden participated in these weird e-mail-conversations all the way up to 2018, including being a witness of the sexual abuse scandal that took place in Washington.

He didnt get canceled, he canceled himself.
The NFL locker room is one of the most racist, misogynistic, homophobic, offensive environments that exists in the world. Can't wait to hear the holier-than-thou players, former players, and media line up to blast Gruden for saying things privately in emails years ago that are said every single day in the locker room.
This is truth.
I saw a tweet that said how interesting his emails were made public so fast, yet the investigation into Dan snyder remains hush hush.
lesson for everyone in the difference between the people who cash the checks and the those who write them.
I saw a tweet that said how interesting his emails were made public so fast, yet the investigation into Dan snyder remains hush hush.
lesson for everyone in the difference between the people who cash the checks and the those who write them.
its an owners league and it will always remain one lol
My GF works in corporate for a massive fashion company and she told me you’d be surprised at how they speak in emails
Everything was calming down after the lips comment , it was the other stuff that did him in. Just ask Chappell about what happens when you talk about the alphabet boys/girls.
1. Its not nonsense. Its called consequences. If you work for a private entity, you have rules that you have to follow.
2. Gruden participated in these weird e-mail-conversations all the way up to 2018, including being a witness of the sexual abuse scandal that took place in Washington.

He didnt get canceled, he canceled himself.
You must be a blast at parties.

Btw, what rules did he break?
Everything was calming down after the lips comment , it was the other stuff that did him in. Just ask Chappell about what happens when you talk about the alphabet boys/girls.

You are a transphobic scumbag for using only gender normative designations like boys/girls.

I cancel you, Alex Jones.
I sure as fūck did, but you must have only attended the University of Miami and never set foot on any other college campus in your entire life, or met anybody else from another university.

I’ve spent some postgraduate time at other universities, for example Penn in Philadelphia, University of Chicago, Duke, GaTech, etc. Those schools are as PC liberal, if not more, than Miami.

Jesus Christ you are sheltered. Pretty much every ******* campus is like this, except maybe some backwards *** SEC small school town schools. Get out in the world, and go talk to other people in other cities, and from other universities.

Also talk to some professors at the University of Miami, most of which came from other schools, you’ll start to get an idea. All you have to do is ask.
Nah, I've been at other schools and lived all over the country. Everything you stated was wrong based on the time I was around campus in the 2000s; Miami has plenty of money but isn't inclined to spend big on a Football coach, and is to self-righteous to for that coach to be Urban Meyer. Would never happen.

Don't be so sensitive. It's was just a question.