Greg Cote: Fans! Chill on Criticizing Players enjoy UM start


Feb 22, 2013
Heaven knows that Miami football fans cheering for and frustrated by our two biggest teams have had abundant reasons to become jaded over the past decade-plus.

The Hurricanes have begun their 14th season since last winning a national championship, give little indication of mastering the Atlantic Coast Conference, and last year sunk to meet the indignity of a once-unthinkable losing record.

So I get it. Fans end too many seasons disappointed and find that bitterness grows in them like weeds in what used to be fields of hope. The attitude becomes calloused.

This causes many to generally mistrust success — the weird phenomenon we are seeing at the moment on both sides of the pro/college aisle.

The Hurricanes have started the season 2-0, but apparently beating two smaller, lesser opponents by a combined score of 89-20 isn’t good enough, either.

As many of you know I conduct post-game polls in my blog each week with the University of Miami Football fans. When last I checked, combining those who voted they were “very” or “somewhat” satisfied, the Hurricanes satisfaction approval after two games was running at 34.5 percent .

Those results surely aren’t scientific, but they strike me as an accurate reflection.

With Hurricanes fans it’s rather complicated. I opine that so many have come to see coach Al Golden as the problem that they’d rather UM struggle and get Golden fired than UM win and Golden stay. Not most fans, I’d hope, for the sake of sanity, but many.

What Miami Dolfans have in common, whether they prefer their games on Saturdays or Sundays, is what must be a nation-leading tendency to excessively parse results.

We want to conduct microsurgery on every victory, looking for flaws.

We want to dock credit because the opponents were inferior instead of giving credit for the local teams simply doing what needed to be done.

Quit complaining when there is no real cause.

Do your blood pressure a favor. Try to let go of the baggage of past years and attempt a clean-slate approach of judging a team and its coach by now, by this season.

Give yourself a break.

Give your team and players a break.

And, yes, give coach Al Golden a break. [**** naw, fly the freaking banner ==> RETURN UM TO COMPETING FOR CHAMPIONSHIPS--BBB ]

There is no shame or cause for panic in UM beating Bethune-Cookman and Florida Atlantic they way it did. The sluggish start against FAU was entirely foreseeable from an emotional and human nature standpoint. It was the biggest home game in FAU history, while, for Miami, it was merely the perfunctory game before the one circled in red this Saturday vs. Nebraska.

There will be a time for Hurricanes fans to complain and be disappointed this season. That’s inevitable. There will be losses that turn the heat valve up on both head coaches.

For Golden that may even happen this Saturday vs. Nebraska’s Cornhuskers.

Losses will happen.

But until an unreasonable number of them do, how about we enjoy the good start to this season and quit kvetching and bltching over how it could have been better.
Cote's a notorious faqgit. He loves him some coach dyk. He's one of those snarky washed up sportswriters who fancies himself a social commentator/satirist when he's nothing but a dullard. His football knowledge is a rung or two below Susan Degan.

Dumb fck's already excusing coming out flat. IT'S THE SECOND GAME OF THE FCKING YEAR! FAU's jacked up? LOL. Who gives a ****. You wipe your *** with that group of misfits no matter what the situation is.
Why are journalists so concerned with how fans act? It's weird.

These local honks love Folden because he smiles at them and calls them by their name. They're hypnotized by him just like a bunch of the loopy faqgits on here.
Because y'all are delusional and don't know football. Most delusional fan base in college football
Cane fan since 87'
What the FVCK is wrong with S Fla journalists covering UM? Why are they so forgiving?

Today's sports section has a headline that reads " Dolphins look like same old version, and that's not good". You can absolutely say the same thing about UM and yet they get a pass?

Does Cote and the rest of the "refuse to be critical" journalists not understand that being outplayed by FAU for more than a half is the equivalent, or worse, than squeaking out a win against a poor NFL team?

A poster on here I can understand, but a freaking journalist, someone who gets paid to write, points to this two game win streak as something worth mentioning? Freaking pathetic...
A) Cote is more of a glorified blogger now than a journalist.

B) He's the one that should chill.....on eating so many doughnuts.
That's 2.5 minutes I'll never get back. I should have known what that hack was going to say. He says it about every flagging team in Miami. Has he ever written a word that was critical of any local corch or team, except for maybe the Marlins?
There will be a time for Hurricanes fans to complain and be disappointed this season. That’s inevitable. There will be losses that turn the heat valve up on both head coaches.

For Golden that may even happen this Saturday vs. Nebraska’s Cornhuskers.

Losses will happen.

But until an unreasonable number of them do, how about we enjoy the good start to this season and quit kvetching and bltching over how it could have been better.

Even he knows whats coming. Yet the angry portion of the fan base gets criticized for vocalizing our disapproval

Fug you if you dont like me criticizing AG and his ****ty coaching. I have never rooted for us to lose and wont. I will not throw players under the bus, but I will criticize the fuggin guy making 2 mill a year. dont like it deal with it!
With Hurricanes fans it’s complicated. I think that so many have come to see coach Al Golden as the problem that they’d rather UM struggle and get Golden fired than UM win and Golden stay. Not most fans, I’d hope, for the sake of sanity, but many.

This is absolutely the worse part of Greg Cote write-up, and it's a phucking lie, and Cote knows the truth; there is really nothing complicated. When every single GM and college AD & Admn would have fired a coach who lost 4 straight games ending in a losing season with a team 10 professional league talent, but the Hurricanes AD & ADmin keep the incompetent coach, what else is left for them to do but hope for losses as it may seem as the only option to rid the team of the incompetent coach. Not really insane there.

It's not much different than professional teams, from the top down, throwing games in a wasted year in order to secure a superior draft position for the future. While I don't root for losses, I don't mind if UM struggles as long as they win out enough games just so the idiot coach is gone...elsewhere, and take his butt buddy with him.
I love Cote on the Lebets show but STFU and report the news. You're not in the business of telling fans what to do.