Tears Gator Tears

Jesus they're such sore losers.... they cant accept the fact that we played them tough and won 2 out of 3.

See what i mean? Its never their fault... its the umps or the distraction of a new stadium...

Unbelievable. They’re blaming it on the “distraction of the new stadium”. You just have to shake your head in amazement at this stuff.
Man I live 45 mins away from Gainesville, I'm there every other week to the VA for my appointments. I'm in Palatka.
Been to Palatka. They have a sky diving school there, or use to. When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a skydiver. Did one jump and never went back again.
I missed games 2 and 3, but watching game 1 Miami scored a run before a third out and the shot down the first baseline clearly hits foul and they called it fair. The calls changed the game for UiF but they dont want to talk about them
Yep Toral was home a whole step before CDC was tagged at 3rd. Even the homer SEC announcers were shocked they got the call.
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