Tears Gator Tears

Z4 bucking to enter the GT HOF at the same time as 2082 and RVA go in with this work....gotta start considering him for votes when he starts getting stuff deleted..lol
I stopped by to say Hi to [MENTION=2547]joe[/MENTION]_Vizz1 aka [MENTION=2547]joe[/MENTION]V_GatorsPod and remind him of his declaration, seems like he is not going to hold up to his end of his own statement.

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With all the pro openings coming Kelly is gonna wait to see if he gets a call...he’s still getting paid by the 49ers and maybe the Eagles so he isn’t hurting for money..
I actually think Dan Mullin would be a solid pull for them. He has done wonders at Mississippi State, a perennial door mat. Imagine the facilities, money, and recruiting he inherits at UF give him a decent shot to win. I would rather see Kelly or Frost and step in there and try to run an SEC program.
Dan Mullen would be a good coach hire for them. Not as good as Chip Kelly would. But tbh I think Chip wants to go to UCLA. Regardless UF is still gunna suck.

And no way in **** UT or any CFB team is getting Gruden. Gruden is making like $6.5M/yr at ESPN. Why the **** would he leave that easy *** job that he can do for literally the next 20 ******* years to go be the HC at UT where he doesn't know the recruiting rules which are incredibly important in the world of College Football.