Tears Gator Tears

1QueJay88 said...
Nobody has offered what we have especially with the extras he asked for, not even A&M. A&M’s offer is half of ours. They think they get Moore so that’s probably why. Dad knows UF is desperate because after Rashada what else is there? He’s using it as leverage to get more. Which is why I said it’s simply greed.
Guess it’s not greed if he goes somewhere else for less than. Oh I know he took less cause he was “afraid to play in SEC”
“…He also believes in Billy Napier and Ryan O’Hara and their ability to prepare signal callers for the next level….”

Based on what, exactly?????????

Just putting the question out there.

On what factual basis is the writer stating this?

Did the family state this, or is the writer speculating?

And no matter who said this, on what past performance Sling Blade metrics is it based?

It's wacky, unless you factor in Gaypier's time at Louisiana AS HEAD BALL COACH, he cannot legitimately claim to have developed ANY top-flight QBs.

---South Carolina State - QB Coach for ONE YEAR (2005)
---Clemson - QB Coach for TWO YEARS (2009-2010) - FIRED
---Colorado State - QB Coach for ONE YEAR (2012)
---Arizona State - QB Coach for ONE YEAR (2017)

Maybe we can get memory-genius @Liberty City El on here to tell us what QBs Gaypier developed in these brief whistlestops of jobs...
Was it smurphy or northern who insist that being a Miami football player isn’t enough to qualify as name image and likeness because it is dependent on being a part of the football team
@RVACane knows the Die Hard reference...


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its just unfortunate what ellis’ hubris causes for him. Should be a lesson for our friends.
1QueJay88 said...
Nobody has offered what we have especially with the extras he asked for, not even A&M. A&M’s offer is half of ours. They think they get Moore so that’s probably why. Dad knows UF is desperate because after Rashada what else is there? He’s using it as leverage to get more. Which is why I said it’s simply greed.

For a guy who supposedly owns 3 chik-fil-a restaurants he’s not very business savvy.

That’s not greed… that’s supply and demand. The supply on top rated quarterbacks is low and the demand is high thus your value is increased and the price you must pay if you want it goes up.

No one’s forcing them to pay up either and why should the dad if true give them a “discount” lol
I can go make one of Arch Manning right now, so fvckin what? These people are beyond gullible.
do it jewish GIF
Look, I shouldn't kick the Gaytors when they are down, but this is freaking pathetic.

After Rashada what else is there? Got-damm, man, you have an ELITE ELEVEN QUARTERBACK in North Florida who you've absolutely ignored up until now. And, hey, I'm not trying to wish any harm upon poor Emory, but the Gaytors have been acting like he's a freakin' secondhand condom or something.
Isn’t it obvious? “Bro, you were in the same fraternity I was. So here’s a secret video that this major recruit showed us and asked us to keep quiet. Only showing you cause of the strong bond we have from doing blatantly homoerotic things with each other ten years ago”
1QueJay88 said...
Nobody has offered what we have especially with the extras he asked for, not even A&M. A&M’s offer is half of ours. They think they get Moore so that’s probably why. Dad knows UF is desperate because after Rashada what else is there? He’s using it as leverage to get more. Which is why I said it’s simply greed.
Does the chicken king think that there is no way that these, shall we say, “negative opinions” of Mr. Rashada (held by at least one member of the gayta coaching staff - the one that feeds terrible info to wannabe Gus from breaking bad) have no way of getting back to Mr. Rashada?

He’s saying the quiet part out loud - on an internet message board. Even if everything quepasa is parroting is completely true - openly accusing a person you are in multimillion dollar negotiations with (allegedly) of being a malignantly greedy piece of **** is not the best negotiating tactic.