Tears Gator Tears

As funny as those quotes were Tim Tebow is NOT a tight end. He played QB because he loves putting his hands under center. He quit football in fact because coaches kept wanting him to play in the shotgun. He pumped up his team with lengthy inspiring speeches to get them hot and sweaty. He was the first to arrive so he could inspect the jock straps in the equipment room. He was the last to leave because he enjoyed long showers in the men’s locker room.
Say it ain’t so
Ooooohweeeeooooh I look just like Buddy Holly!!! Oh yeah RVA it's true. Sidenote (but on topic with the Tears), but as a life-long speaker of Ebonics and an educator, I feel it's my societal duty to inform Tim Douchester that 's is still used in Ebonics to show possession. E.g.: All them boys from Miami that's real hate it when a Wonder Bread *** TE coach panders to them...
Ooooohweeeeooooh I look just like Buddy Holly!!! Oh yeah RVA it's true. Sidenote (but on topic with the Tears), but as a life-long speaker of Ebonics and an educator, I feel it's my societal duty to inform Tim Douchester that 's is still used in Ebonics to show possession. E.g.: All them boys from Miami that's real hate it when a Wonder Bread *** TE coach panders to them...
I’m sure one of you guys can photoshop Hernandez in here.


