Tears Gator Tears

wanna **** them off even more? troll them about the cheesecake factory and the swamp restaurant being bulldozed
How many of the players that signed letter of intents for 2019 made in and who did not at Fla.
Dawun Black didn’t make it in and Jones and Steele are gone. I’m not sure what the status on Summerall is.

Edit: Summerall is in, I meant Zipperer and I didn’t know if he got in.
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a tampa developer bought the midtown properties to raze them to build luxury student housing bC uf wants to create more density housing

also they're opening a cheesecake factory in butler plaza near the PF Changs and ARCs are ****ed bc theyre becoming orlandos northern suburb
Last time I was in that shîthole there was Skeeters and Steak-n-Shake. I thought that was the limits of their culinary apex.
Once again the delusion that is a ufag fan runs at full speed.Theyve figured out that Mullet sucks donkey nuts at recruiting so they’ve gone back to their old reliable way to recruit....Fck recruiting they’re just gonna let all the other schools do the leg work and they’ll just flip everybody they want...

Lord I’m old and don’t ask for a lot( well maybe I do) but if you could just let us beat these cucks this August it would help this old man go to his grave a happy man( by the way Lord I’m not saying that has to be anytime soon.Just wanted to mention that so there wasn’t any confusion about that..lol)