Garcia ineligible.

I don't understand our love affair with this kid. I see a slightly above average QB. If I'm missing something someone please enlighten me with some knowledge.
Can someone please explain why he can’t play? And why it matters if his parents are divorced? He lives in Georgia with his father, right? He’s not just giving a fake address to try to play at a certain school. Why is a kid, who’s father moved with him to Georgia, not allowed to play football there? And why would his parents being divorced make any difference at all?
We have our first double cliche insult of the season!

Yes man slurper a good one to get it going.

That can't really be the first one, can it? I mean, I haven't been on the COVID-19 board in several months, but I recall a metric a$$-ton (SI unit) of weak, cliche insults flung on that board.

Considering the timing, and the overwhelming stupidity of his original take, it may be one of the most humorous, though.
Can someone please explain why he can’t play? And why it matters if his parents are divorced? He lives in Georgia with his father, right? He’s not just giving a fake address to try to play at a certain school. Why is a kid, who’s father moved with him to Georgia, not allowed to play football there? And why would his parents being divorced make any difference at all?
The GHSA ruled him ineligible. He can appeal, but by the time they rule on the appeal the season would pretty much be over. So, he's done.
I’m aware he was ruled ineligible. My question. Is why?
Seems like some of the other 'good ol boy coaches" didn't like the way Propst brought him in to win... And from some stuff I read, some parents on the team were not all that happy either...

GHSA hiding behind the "intent" of their separation/move.
some interesting tidbits on the Garcia situation -

GHSA's "Legal Separation" says the couple has to be completely dissolved of their relationship whereas one parent has sole custody of the kid.

California's "Legal Separation" means the couple are not living together but "LEGALLY" still married.

Moultrie's HC Justin Rogers and Lee County's HC Dean Fabrizio petitioned GHSA to disqualify Garcia based on a technicality of his parents legal separation.

Also, supposedly GHSA gave the green light for the move, based on their pre-requisites.

Also some rumors that Propst may be suspended for a game or two for having knowledge of the situation/infraction and not coming forward....
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From a human interest standpoint this is horrible story. A bunch of public sector bureaucrats chose to put a hard working young man's future at risk merely to flex their power.

Simply put, If one of his parents has a residence in the district and is paying rent & utilities then he should be 100% eligible to play. The kid was a high profile target at a high profile HS program. The marxist fcuks who made that decision should all be relieved of their duties.

BTW - I wasnt all that high on the kid as a recruit either but again, to me the human interest component is more compelling IMO.