Funny note on Josh Jobe (who?)

****; after reading all these comments, I feel low key bad for the kid....welp, that lasted 5 secs.

F him! Flip all u want, but he chose to diss us and the coaches who had his best interest at heart.

No one convinced him to be an a-hole, so spare me the whole learning disability crap! He called us the worst fans when all we did was show him mad love. He chose not to give the coaches a heads up, and diss them in interviews, even laughing how they are now just finding out he flipped. F him, period.
****; after reading all these comments, I feel low key bad for the kid....welp, that lasted 5 secs.

F him! Flip all u want, but he chose to diss us and the coaches who had his best interest at heart.

No one convinced him to be an a-hole, so spare me the whole learning disability crap! He called us the worst fans when all we did was show him mad love. He chose not to give the coaches a heads up, and diss them in interviews, even laughing how they are now just finding out he flipped. F him, period.
Too funny!!!
Your right! LD or not even my dogs know an ******* when they see one. But now people are saying this kid couldn’t recognize that he was acting like one But somehow can recognize an ******* on Twitter?!!
How many excuses can people com up with for this kid?
Holy shiite !!! Is Jobe the player version of DBC?!!!!
What a train wreck. Too busy being a clown to get his classwork done. Manny literally flew up there to help him check into that school. When young people ask what is the meaning of the old west expression " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink", just point to Josh Jobe.

Actually, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him think.
So many of these kids (men in Jobe’s case) that play the game end up washing out. It’s crazy. Has to be a very high statistical significance in the correlation.

I know coaches do it too. But I feel our staff takes the high ground. If they nudge out verbals like Hodges they do it behind the scenes and let the kid retain his dignity. Meanwhile you have recruits trolling programs and making fools of everyone involved, mostly themselves.

I doubt this ends well for JJ or his pops. Should of stuck with Miami. Our staff would have kept him on track to matriculate. Worst case scenario is he graduates with a 10x more useful degree than Alabama. And he still would have had all the upside save the bag Bama dropped to flip him.
As a former athlete who earned a full scholarship now it was D2 but same guidelines to qualify..If he doesn't post a high enough score on the ACT Bama can just claim he has a learning disability and he will get put on a academic plan. Trust me they will get him in. Same if he was committed to Miami still.. Remember when his dad said he was looking for Miami to take care of his son.. Well money wise and getting him qualified that's wat he meant.
That's how frank gore got into Miami
Cut the man some slack...

Have you seen the new 2018 coloring books? The intricate detail in trying to figure out some of those patterns is really difficult for someone of his intelligence. It's a little too much to expect him to complete a whole book in a calendar year.

Unable to complete book, too busy hanging out with U buddies and in the end sold out to Satan. Just like Richt helped Willis, he might have been able to get this kid straight. JJ will be enabled as long as he can play football, and then the story will have an unhappy ending.

When you unpack his entire recruitment and where he is today, there is now an additional component of taking care of business other than just the bag.
Jobe was a complete and utter ******* with his recruitment so I have absolutely no feelings of remorse for the guy - learning disability and all. I think pops used him as a means to carry out his vendetta against the U.

Unfortunately, Jobe was too dumb to realize that Richt and staff genuinely cared for his well being. The guy needs a **** ton of handholding, and he and his family thought he would get that at Bama?!?! SMH

If he were my son and given his challenges, I would have made sure that he went to a program that would legitimately look out for his best interests. But when you’re only selfishly concerned about the bag, then this is what happens.

Saban will push him aside soon. Jobe is not worth all of the effort and headaches that come with keeping him eligible. Even if he qualifies, it will be a semester to semester saga.

Saban will say fvck it, PS2 will take his PT, and homie will end up at Mississippi Gulf Coast CC.
One more question that no one is asking.
Columbus!! Wtf man!!!!! How did this guy graduate?
Did no one in that school ecognoze he had a LD or is this all BS to cover up laziness? If he did indeeed have a LD could we have gone prop on him from the jump?
One more question that no one is asking.
Columbus!! Wtf man!!!!! How did this guy graduate?
Did no one in that school ecognoze he had a LD or is this all BS to cover up laziness? If he did indeeed have a LD could we have gone prop on him from the jump?
He left Columbus for his senior year cause he couldn’t qualify cause he was old as the hills
Yeah, I don’t wish ill on these kids either - and, yes, Jobe’s still a kid - but I also don’t make light of learning disabilities.

Friend of the family was a LB who signed with a Big 10 school. He was also a Prop 8 - for those old enough to know what Prop 8 was. Long story, short: He quit football, enrolled at another school, concentrated on his books, went to law school, passed the bar, and has been practicing law for the last 20 years. I’m **** proud of him.

Jobe doesn’t deserve the time this thread gives him, but as a few have pointed out, this is a failure by the adults in his life. I can only hope that someone rights his path - whether he goes 1st round or never plays another down of football.

There's a big difference between having a learning disability and never being told to do your homework because everybody around you worships your football talent. As far as I know, nobody believes he has a learning problem, that's just what people think bama will say to try to get him in.

My point is that for most of these top recruits with grades issues it's not about smarts- they can pick up a playbook quick enough- it's about actually doing their classwork. Nobody tells them they need to do more than the bare minimum, so they do as little as possible. Some miscalculate and come up a little short, and that's where I suspect Jobe is.
2 years from now Jobe is going to call Richt from the office of some random Juco in Kansas begging to come back home. Richts going to giggle and hang up.

The staff went out of there way to work with Cheshire and make sure everything was planned out for the guys success and he turned around and spit on them. **** him.