FSU team in my hotel

Buy some alarm clocks and place them around the 4th/6th floors in middle of the night set to go off at 3am. Low risk and guaranteed to wake them up and force them to get out of bed
Standing in the lobby and out come 10 or so, monster men. I’ll make sure to be extra loud tonight lol
Call them at 4 AM and Tell them to get their asses up and get ready to get their asses beat. Payback coming their way fo sho. Fuuck them noles!!

Go Canes!!!!!
Man if we can get some video or pics that would be priceless. OP, we expect updates at 1:05am, 3:05am, and 5:05am Eastern. Thanks in advance for your patriotism to the Canes cause mate!
Run up and down the halls banging on their doors. Just pound the living **** out of the doors.
OP you need to blast this on your boom box/Bluetooth speaker right now on floors 4 and 6!!

That and, Canes Party over at OPs!!! LEGGO!!!!! OMW!!!