"At florida state we care about our student athletes and their health. We are not going to jepordize their health and safety just so everyone can have the pleasure of watching our team get blown out once again. We would rather string everyone along until the last minute and then ***** them. We also don'thave the money to reimburse teams for their travel because we are broke as f*ck. " - FSU administration
"At florida state we care about our student athletes and their health. We are not going to jepordize their health and safety just so everyone can have the pleasure of watching our team get blown out once again. We would rather string everyone along until the last minute and then ***** them. We also don'thave the money to reimburse teams for their travel because we are broke as f*ck. " - FSU administration
I really hope Clemson and UVA push that last issue.
What happened?
I might be over embellishing on it a little bit haha,, but they just showed the press clips between Dabo and Norvell going back and forth..with Norvell stuttering like a clown, then the commentators talked on it saying they should have played the game....but then did the typical PC stepback a couple seconds later with "bUt wE AlSo dOnT kNoW tHe FuLL SiTuAtIoN"

I just feel like the press clips alone is a baaaad look on fsu, if I was looking from the perspective of a casual fan
SMD saying “FSU has COVID-19” is just awesome on many levels. Just give her the Pulitzer already...
Laugh all you want, but when they find out the main transmitter of COVID-19 is an exercise bike, she will get the last laugh.