From Another Coach: Manny's Problem

The injuries continue to be crazy , only one ol starter left, the wr core is mostly guys off the street and the pass d still sucks. Other than that everything is peachy. Btw I think we got something with Fulgram.
Yea, Fulgram surprised me last week and I think he will be a good one. Crazy 4 years of injury problems.
But I do know one thing... Harley, Pope and Wiggins wouldn't get a tryout with the Eagles.... 🤦🏿‍♂️
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Just like Coker.

Coaches either need to be loved to the point a kid would run through a wall for someone (Pete Carroll) or have a sense of respect or fear to get in line. I don't feel coaches can be a buddy buddy laid back quiet coach and regularly succeed in college. Yeah things might be fine when you're winning but the moment you struggle or lose, those kids will tune you out or turn on you. They need structure and accountability because they haven't learned how to be a professional yet. The best programs out there run their programs like a pro business.

Manny doesn't hold his players accountable on the field. He doesn't hold the refs accountable in game. He hasn't always held his coaches accountable. I like the guy and like the players he's bringing in this year BUT i have serious concerns about the long-term health of the program if he doesn't learn the culture/accountability piece, which starts with the coaches, needs to be much much better than it currently is.

That Clemson team played HARD. Those guys flew around the field with relentless pursuit....putting it on the line for team, not just "me" or "draft stats". The guys in the trenches were warriors. Those LBs took on lineman and blew plays up. They played really good assignment football with great fundamentals and technique (especially tackling). That culture at Clemson is top notch right now.
Isn’t that what Ed Reed is supposed to instill?
Has anyone on the staff considered asking Amari Carter, respectfully of course, to not hit someone in head?
You can be a HC like Manny Diaz when you have senior leaders setting the tone. Just like the 2001 championship team. Coker himself came out said "They pretty much did everything". If someone messed up, there was an *** kicking happening later. And everyone did it.

Everyone saw Bolden bleeding after his blocked kick, trying to get into peoples faces and wake them up. It didnt work that well.

However, if you dont have the players, the coach needs to set the tone. Like Venables benching his O-Lineman. Like Saban ripping his DC after a TD against WKU late in the game years back.

And if the players cant take someone kicking their butt on the sideline... well, its not working with them.
Benching players who aren’t talented enough isn’t going to make them more talented. It’s just going to throw less talented players on the field, who who also be benched for not being talented.
Look if everyone made mistakes the whole team would be benched last night? No sometimes you got to lose to come out better. We don't have the same talent as clemson had so u can't blame Manny for trying. And Dabo kiss his players *** all the time and even recruits. So that dont make sense. A coach that really don't take no **** is Saban
This is the problem with hiring any first-time head coach at a job like Miami.

Again, what's done is done, the rest of the year will be very telling in my view, in terms of his long term prospects as the CEO of this program
This. Ask yourselves this - who on this team has consistently played at a level where they've bought themselves security at a starting spot? Off the top of my head - Cam, Bubba, King, and maybe Phillips. We consistently see the same penalties and mistakes. These players need to have it in the back of their heads that their spot could be taken at any moment.
The kid that was snatched up and sat down for a couple of plays was their lone 5 star recruit along that OL, too. No one is bigger than the team.
I was screaming for a hard *** coach to fix our culture. These kids are soft. And while I think a lot of it is 7 on 7 and the culture of recruiting, Other schools seem to be able to take SoFla kids and make them good players.
Did you ever consider that the many “duh’s” make you look stupid? It does, by the way; completely unnecessary, and as you can see it hasn’t started a “thing”. No one else is doing it.

Clemson “men” started out in the same place or lower than many of Miami’s men in several positions. 4 of their 6 linebackers are 3 stars that you wouldn’t have advocated recruiting … but now they’re men? And coaching/development had nothing to do with it?

Miami has put more OL in the league the past 10 years than Clemson, but they have “men”? They have coaching and sound development plan to get the most out of every kid.

Crying about talent is excuse by loser coaches and loser fans. You play the hand you’re dealt and the great coaches find a way - relatively quickly.

The teams that believe in talent first can’t develop sustainable programs, and the teams that develop athletes first do. (see: Schnellenberger, H and Johnson, J)
And, it's obvious your'e LOST IN DELUSION! duh.

Oh. And one more notion. Yes, Miami has more player's in the NFL today. But WHY didn't those players LIVE UP TO EXPECTATIONS at Miami.

After all, you'all HYPED UP these 5-Star players and what not. But the past ten or twelve seasons, it seems to moi A LOT didn't live up to those LOFTY expectations and all that. Key example, a few FOUR-STAR receiver's Miami currently has in MAJOR playing roles.
Guy stop being coward , let line it up and play again ...
Say what you want at the end of season.
I was screaming for a hard *** coach to fix our culture. These kids are soft. And while I think a lot of it is 7 on 7 and the culture of recruiting, Other schools seem to be able to take SoFla kids and make them good players.

Good point loyal Hurricane fan. But it seems to moi, that A LOT of today's Hurricane fans DON'T want to admit that just maybe, other REGIONS of the country have similar, or even BETTER, talented HS football player's coming out of HS. huh? Also, a lot of south Florida prep talent are leaving the tri-county local for BETTER major CFB programs. After all, who wants to play for a " down and out " program. Well, at least for the past 15 seasons!! Yeah, yeah, yeah. MY Miami had two or three good seasons since the 2005 season.

Then there's the simple FACT, that Miami can't get all that local talent, all the time. Like back in the day.
The kid that was snatched up and sat down for a couple of plays was their lone 5 star recruit along that OL, too. No one is bigger than the team.
you guys seem to ignore that you gotta build winning to the point where sitting a 5 star isn't a detriment.
Yep, 5 star LT got called for his second holding penalty. Said something to Swinney and he was pulled.

Must be nice to have the depth to have those teaching moments.
He was getting worked by Roche as well to the false start and holding penalties

But they have a 6th lineman that plays alot so it wasnt a biggie. DEPTH....and trust to put other guys in
Did U even consider that Miami was simply OUT TALENTED on both sides of the LOS!?? duh!

In other words, I don't know what game U was watching, but it surely wasn't the Saturn night disaster in small town Carolina Sud.

The bottom line: Clemson had MEN playing all eleven positions. Whereas it seem to me, Miami was playing boys against MEN! Yikes. Albeit metaphorically speaking.

Miami didn't get out athleted. Sorry. They got out coached plain and simple especially Lashlee. The biggest difference is Clemson took advantage of miscues. Miami rarely did. If Diaz sees some of these older players going though the motions then bench they ***. Manny act tough but he just a lil chump thus far. Hasn't backed up chit.
one college head coach told me:

"manny is a smart guy and a hard worker. definitely dedicated to running a good program, and always thinking. his problem though is he tries to be friends with everyone. the twitter stuff, having his kids like him, which they do. that's a big thing with him. BUT, they aren't afraid of him enough. with my kids, i keep the right amount of distance to keep them afraid. enough of a distance where i can make sure that fear of me is always there, and they know it's real and they could always be benched, chewed out, kicked off the team, just cause i say so. manny doesn't have that, or at least, he needs more of it."
Go peddle this psych=babble some place else.