Former players want a role in the search


Nov 5, 2011
I mean, are they wrong?

In many ways, former Hurricanes football stars are a huge asset for the program, because of their popularity (which helps the brand), how passionately many of them care, and the positive, albeit indirect, impact they provide in recruiting. (For example: Promising freshman receiver Lawrence Cager said one reason he picked UM was because of the tradition of great receivers, mentioning Andre Johnson specifically.)

But dealing with former Hurricanes standouts can be tricky for this UM administration, because some would like two things that UM might not be willing to give: an important role in this ongoing coaching search and sideline access during games.

As WINZ’s Andy Slater reported, several former players – including Bryant McKinnie, Edgerrin James and Jonathan Vilma --- held a conference call to discuss a possible role in helping select the next coach.

Two other former players who were on that call told me there have been multiple conference calls (including one on Tuesday) and a bunch of former players involved, and that the group (led by Vilma) would like two former UM players – one on offense, one on defense – to be included in interviews with coaching candidates.

Some coaches can fool businessmen, but we might be able to see through them during the interview,” said one ex-player partaking in the calls, who said he was not authorized to speak publicly and that former players in the Vilma-led group have been asked to sign non-disclosure agreements. “We have insight on schemes, offensively and defensively, and have a perspective on who can identify with players, that businessmen in suits might not have. Why not tap into that resource?”

That former UM standout said players, on the conference calls, have discussed which players would be best to recommend to participate in those interviews and which coaching candidates make the most sense. The player said there is considerable ex-player support for Butch Davis, but some also like Mario Cristobal and Greg Schiano.

Another player on the call said: “We want more input from here on out, not just with the coaching search.”

One player on the call said there has been contact between a member of the group and athletic director Blake James. But it remains to be seen if James allows one of them to sit in coaching interviews --- which would be highly unusual.

James declined to address that or discuss the Vilma-led group, saying only that there will be “some type of communication” with former players seeking involvement.

McKinnie, who (like Vilma) declined to say anything about any conference calls or his possible involvement, told our Susan Miller Degnan: “Keeping players connected to the university requires them having a little bit of input [in the hiring process]… Letting the players have a little voice helps in all phases. Just give a little insight on different things the program may need. Just be an extra voice on things that maybe the program isn’t aware of that we look at differently because a lot of us are fresh out of playing.”

Former Heisman Trophy winner Gino Torretta said “it would be wise to have them involved, a view former defensive lineman William Joseph also conveyed to us. “There should be at least one to sit in on interviews with the head coach,” Torretta said.

Some other UM people are also in favor of this. Attorney Alan Bell, a member of the UM president's council and chairman of the Environmental Health Foundation, said former UM players "need a voice and need to he heard in this process. They are the most fertile pipeline to the NFL in the U.S. and bring a wealth of loyalty, talent and vision to the table."

Meanwhile, several players also have been vocal about their desire to gain access on the sidelines during games, something UM once permitted but stopped allowing after the Nevin Shapiro investigation.

UM said it prohibited donors, former players and Trustee members from the sidelines “as part of action taken in response to the NCAA investigation and major infractions case.” UM instead gives two complimentary suite tickets to all former players for every game.

But Torretta said their presence is missed on the sideline.

“It's not that we're going to coach those guys on the sideline,” he said. “I remember Bernie Kosar walking by with just a couple words of advice. We're not coaching, but it puts it in the back of your head. The coaches can't do that. Everyone else seems to have them on the sideline. We need them. USC has a certain number of passes it uses for former players. Why aren’t we?”

Prominent former Canes players seeking role in coach search and more from UM; Dolphins, Heat nuggets | Sports Buzz
This is why you have a real AD and people like DiMare or Miller or any other potato who has a track record of chit is DQ.
It was the players who vouched for Coker to replace Butch.

This could end badly.
A guy like Jankovich would likely tell the players that they are welcome to suggest whoever they want, but it is his job to make the decision. Basically, you guys are all family, but I'm the man.

Two things need to happen... 1) AD needs to be the alpha dog and 2) AD needs to make a great hire.

I have a lot of hope, but not so much faith at this point.
In a perfect world, anyone who vouched for Coker, Shannon, or Golden wouldn't have their voice be heard in this search. And anyone who played a role in Golden staying beyond 2013 should be immediately disqualified from having a say in the matter. But unfortunately that's not the way things work.

I was encouraged by Jimmy Johnson and Michael Irvin's public comments about not wanting the search being limited to "Miami men" and needing to restore an exciting brand of football again. Sucks that their input will fall on deaf ears since it seems the admin is going to feign doing their due diligence because they've already made up their minds prematurely.
I could live with Butch or Schiano, but Mario is a clown. Also why is no one talking about Herman???
Why so they can push for Cristobal? No.. Miami does need to let the former players back on the sideline
their demands are not unreasonable. They're asking for one or two former players only. Oh, and get them back on the sidelines.
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I agree with them that they should be allowed on back on the sideline. That seems like a move made by the pocket-sized dyke.

But wanting to be on the interview panel for the next hire is nuts. James should agree to sit down with their group and let them give their opinions and recommendations, and it ends there.