Florida State (Game 3) 1pm ACCNX

I’ll go against you seven days a week and twice on Sundays. Your baseball talk is very elementary.

If guys actually got better while in this program, we wouldn’t be on year 13 of pointing out atrocious hitting and defense.

But keep hoping. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you.
GTFO!!! I played D-1 baseball. I know baseball. I tell it how is is, you tell it how it might be.
GTFO!!! I played D-1 baseball. I know baseball. I tell it how is is, you tell it how it might be.
The fact that you’ve told us a hundred times that you played D1 baseball is a huge red flag. You know that your actual commentary doesn’t sell itself on its own. For those of us who don’t need to post our resumes, your commentary is basic and obvious.
I’m still open to the idea of giving Gil a run at 1st
I like these young guys like kayfus getting experience but im sick of these black holes on offense. Some of these dudes can barely make contact let alone get a hit. After this beatdown maybe its worth a shot. Throw Gil, Rivera, maybe Thomas in there and see if anyone can get on a streak at the plate. Also would love to know if its feasible to get palmquist stretched out as a starter. Feels like he's being wasted
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Let’s hope we don’t have to play FSU in the conf or NCAA tourney. The mental hurdle we’d have to get over to beat them after this weekend, is too much.
The fact that you’ve told us a hundred times that you played D1 baseball is a huge red flag. You know that your actual commentary doesn’t sell itself on its own. For those of us who don’t need to post our resumes, your commentary is basic and obvious.
You offer zero but *****ing and complaining. I explain the game. What I have said since day 1 has been backed up by former Canes players announcing the games who have played more ball than me.

It should be a red flag thst you are out of your league. You don't know ****!!! Just wasting time posting.

I'm done with you.
Surprised we didn’t see Wanger if they’re trying to get people work. He wouldn’t be a bad DH option either because why not at this point.
You offer zero but *****ing and complaining. I explain the game. What I have said since day 1 has been backed up by former Canes players announcing the games who have played more ball than me.

You don't know ****!!! Just wasting time posting.

I'm done with you.

Again, the stuff you say is obvious. Guess who else played D1 ball: Toral. You want that guy explaining the game?
Del has not covered himself in glory behind the plate
I’m gonna keep screaming my point until it’s heard. Idc if Del is a .329 hitter while catching and a .330 hitter when not. He’s not good enough back there to sacrifice even a point in his hitting. I’ll even say he’s not even the best catcher on the team. I just don’t get it.
Surprised we didn’t see Wanger if they’re trying to get people work. He wouldn’t be a bad DH option either because why not at this point.
Wanger last pitched two weeks ago today
Our guys can’t hit pitching in a game where someone is keeping score, but have you seen their exit velos at a showcase? Number one recruiting class.
Yes, this is a complete beatdown. Pitching will get better. Defense will get better. The hitting and the approach to hitting is what bothers me.
Could it be any worse? This team gotten beaten down like it was Delaware State. There is nothing DiMare can say to spin this positively. A complete failure from a coaching perspective in all aspects of the game.
😂 what a finish. These p*ssies have no heart. Reminds me of the fball program for so many years...get down and instead of fighting they bend over and ask for more. This UM athletic program has major issues. So far from relevance at a national level
Could it be any worse? This team gotten beaten down like it was Delaware State. There is nothing DiMare can say to spin this positively. A complete failure from a coaching perspective in all aspects of the game.
Exactly. The spin is that we will “get better” from the worst series loss in modern program history.
Good luck seeing Dimare fired. He would have to be caught with a dead hooker in his boat a la Dexter for him to get booted.

That wouldn't come close to getting it done. When the HC's dad wields a huge amount of power over the program, nothing will change. DiMare is the HC for as long as he wants. Miami's only hope is that he pulls a Richt and has the self respect and self awareness to walk away.

It's shocking to realize that we have the same problem in both football AND baseball- the AD hired head coaches whose dad's are S. Florida power brokers. What an embarrassment.

I honestly don't understand why either coach would take the Miami job as their first HC gig unless they thought they couldn't get P5 jobs without their dad's help. Everyone is going to assume they got their HC jobs because of family connections. They should have taken their first HC job at another school first and proven they could run a program well. If they succeed at the other school, then when their names come up for a Miami HC vacancy, they would have established they earned it.
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