I'm surprised this hasn't already been created.

Get it done and reach out to former players for interviews.
F@ck it. Just make shlt up and credit it to former players. If Folden can pretend to be a coach then you can pretend to be an ethical journalist
I can get a website built in a few hours. I have no issue buying a domain and hosting, and getting a site built. I have had many sites done for me or my firm in the past. All I would need is content - the stats that have been discussed at great length, photos, maybe shopped pics, etc.
I have a domain picked out (it is a .com), and it is available. I would have the site done tomorrow if I get enough content.
I can get a website built in a few hours. I have no issue buying a domain and hosting, and getting a site built. I have had many sites done for me or my firm in the past. All I would need is content - the stats that have been discussed at great length, photos, maybe shopped pics, etc.

If you know how to build a website than by all means, im just a beginner. I would be happy to research content.
no will have no impact at all except recruiting which will be negative.just like the plane banner signifying sound and fury not much else
Lol at the 'it would do more harm than good crowd.'

It would only be noteworthy because of it's incisiveness.

If he didn't deserve to get fired, people would quickly dismiss it or laugh at it's exsistance.
LOL at the people who say don't bother and the administration doesn't listen to these things. If no one complained and 30k - 40k attended the games Folden would get another 5 year extension for his brave work in getting us pass the insurmountable cloud
Lest we forget - Hurricane Donna is the person Most responsible for getting us past the cloud.
Lol at the 'it would do more harm than good crowd.'

It would only be noteworthy because of it's incisiveness.

If he didn't deserve to get fired, people would quickly dismiss it or laugh at it's exsistance.

Unless you're a 17 year old recruit, who will say, "I don't know if it's serious or not, but I don't want to invest my career in a program that's might fire it's coach in a year".