Ferman is hinting that Highsmith deal is on the way

I'm not concerned about giving an assistant time for the sake of giving an assistant time. Butch Barry's unit should get him fired, we need results and his position group is arguably the most important. If Addazio comes in this year and isn't an upgrade at all, or even worse... then I'm looking at OL coaches again, it's too important to not get right.
I agree Addazio would be an upgrade and reap benefits. A two-deep, dominating OL would take seasons and recruiting cycles to build, but hopefully, the sight of three Miami OL blocking air is few and far between. The point isn't Addazio, however, but I'll leave this alone. No point in continuing.

Interesting article about how Baylor turned around its athletic department. Putting aside the gushing praise of Art Briles (this is before the scandal) it raises some interesting points.

They picked Briles because he had shown an ability to do more with less, and the AD realized that the school couldn't just spend it's way into being competitive. Had to come up with a new strategy. I've said before that Miami should have approached its HC hiring in one of two ways. Either get an elite innovator (like JJ or Erickson) or get a phenomenal recruiter (like Davis). If the former, Mike Leach would be the right hire as an innovator and the coach who has more wins against teams with higher recruiting rankings than any coach. If the latter, Cristobal, who appears to be an insanely good recruiter. Diaz isn't exceptional in either department.
Maybe read the article? Sometimes it's good to learn new things and apply them to new situations. Its called critical thinking. I highly recommend it.

Baylor was in a similar situation to Miami. Fans started to believe they would never be competitive again at the D1 P5 level. How could they compete against Texas and Texas A&M, two of the richest schools in the country? Those schools make UF and FSU look like paupers by comparison. Well Baylor figured out a way.

I think the idea of a college football czar at UM is an interesting concept. It certainly can't be worse than it is now. Could be that by modeling how pro teams operate (President, VP of Ops, GM) Miami has discovered a more efficient way to run a successful football program. Again- the only direction to go is up.

Its a misconception to think that Baylor went from a struggling program to one that was successful simply due to a retrenchment & renewal managerial philosophy. They won because the administration embraced a "win at all costs mentality" by emboldening a coach who was more than willing to break rules. MIA will never again adopt that type of mentality like it did in the 80's. Furthermore Baylor is currently 3a or 3b in football spending in the entire BigXII, and the only schools that are ahead in spending are Texas & OU. If Baylor was in the ACC they would have the highest football spending as a % of overall revenue in the entire conference. Even higher than Clemson & FSU.

To reiterate there is absolutely no comparison between MIA and other private schools in CFB like ND, USC, Baylor, & TCU. Those schools all spend more on football either because they are simply more profitable or because they possess a greater will to field a successful football program. Therefore it is more than obvious that the issues affecting UM football go much deeper than simply hiring a new AD or HC, which btw is already occurring in a turnstile fashion. The issues plaguing the football program have everything to do with institutional & systemic failure. The only people who fail to see that are dyck sucking, biased, delusional alumni of this bankrupt, pos university. Real/True fans who are objective are able to look at things from a macro level and temper expectations by refusing to spread negativity/toxicity because they realize it is counterproductive.
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I disagree. This is absolutely the most delusional fanbase in the entire world. If more fans actually understood why finances matter in modern CFB there wouldn't be this level of negativity & toxicity on this forum created by unrealistic expectations.

Not really. Finances matter for 3 main reasons. Recruiting, level of coaching, and facilities. We have better recruits than any other team in the Coastal+FIU, our football facilities are on par or better than the other coastal teams, our coaching staff is comparably paid to the Coastal teams and FIU. There is no excuse for the disgrace that happened this season.

We hired an absolutely terribly coach. There are plenty of G5 coaches, that would have been good enough to beat FIU with this current roster.
Not really. Finances matter for 3 main reasons. Recruiting, level of coaching, and facilities. We have better recruits than any other team in the Coastal+FIU, our football facilities are on par or better than the other coastal teams, our coaching staff is comparably paid to the Coastal teams and FIU. There is no excuse for the disgrace that happened this season.

We hired an absolutely terribly coach. There are plenty of G5 coaches, that would have been good enough to beat FIU with this current roster.
And we have an AD who gives the coach complete autonomy. If you're talking about a Schnellenberger, Johnson, or Butch, that's an advantage. In every other case, it's not.
I think it´s a done deal. i saw AH with UM gear on playing Marley music. He said Rohan had gone to see him in Cleveland and they´ve known each other for a long time, family connection.

He´s a-coming to Miami,
I think it´s a done deal. i saw AH with UM gear on playing Marley music. He said Rohan had gone to see him in Cleveland and they´ve known each other for a long time, family connection.

He´s a-coming to Miami,
You messing with me here man? Please say your not! Lol
Its a misconception to think that Baylor went from a struggling program to one that was successful simply due to a retrenchment & renewal managerial philosophy. They won because the administration embraced a "win at all costs mentality" by emboldening a coach who was more than willing to break rules. MIA will never again adopt that type of mentality like it did in the 80's. Furthermore Baylor is currently 3a or 3b in football spending in the entire BigXII, and the only schools that are ahead in spending are Texas & OU. If Baylor was in the ACC they would have the highest football spending as a % of overall revenue in the entire conference. Even higher than Clemson & FSU.

To reiterate there is absolutely no comparison between MIA and other private schools in CFB like ND, USC, Baylor, & TCU. Those schools all spend more on football either because they are simply more profitable or because they possess a greater will to field a successful football program. Therefore it is more than obvious that the issues affecting UM football go much deeper than simply hiring a new AD or HC, which btw is already occurring in a turnstile fashion. The issues plaguing the football program have everything to do with institutional & systemic failure. The only people who fail to see that are dyck sucking, biased, delusional alumni of this bankrupt, pos university. Real/True fans who are objective are able to look at things from a macro level and temper expectations by refusing to spread negativity/toxicity because they realize it is counterproductive.

You're leaving out one big element.

These schools spend more than UM because they have donors who give more.

Baylor's great new on-campus stadium was financed in large part by donations. One donor was rumored by Forbes to have given ~200 million; that donor later denied that it was quite that much, but Baylor confirmed that it was the largest single donation for anything in school history. And several other donors gave in the tens of millions. for it.

ND and USC have huge donor bases with exceedingly deep pockets.

TCU too.

Meanwhile, UM has to struggle to get donors to pitch in a couple million for an IPF.

That kinda flies in the face of your last paragraph.
Ferman is saying that the hold up is now blake James is hesitant to do it and that Blake is working to consolidate power to get around this. Bot must force his hand now or it's over, the program will die.
Do yourself a favor and stop believing the BS. Ferman picked up on a quote from Barry Jackson’s article and ran with it. Is it possible for this to happen? Sure. Is it in the works and being negotiated? I don’t believe it is.
Do yourself a favor and stop believing the BS. Ferman picked up on a quote from Barry Jackson’s article and ran with it. Is it possible for this to happen? Sure. Is it in the works and being negotiated? I don’t believe it is.

UM reached out , Alonzo is interested and that’s old news, GF got word of it and starting pounding it into the ground. As if trying to make it his breaking news lol. Could he be right ? Sure, but he could also be well....pulling a Ferman.
Do yourself a favor and stop believing the BS. Ferman picked up on a quote from Barry Jackson’s article and ran with it. Is it possible for this to happen? Sure. Is it in the works and being negotiated? I don’t believe it is.

Exactly. Furrywoman took some innocuous Barry Jackson nugget about a guy possibly soon to be out of an NFL job being open to working in some capacity at his alma mater and did what he does for clicks and attention- he made **** up.

He created a position in HIS mind for Zo AND he lied about negotiations about said position and now (in true Furrywoman form) he'll create some story about why it didn't happen.

We really have some legit maggots and leeches around this program. Like a disproportionate amount for the actual relative small size of it.
Ferman is saying that the hold up is now blake James is hesitant to do it and that Blake is working to consolidate power to get around this. Bot must force his hand now or it's over, the program will die.

There is no way possible that this has a thread of truth. I feel like Ferman is playing Fact of Fiction with his subscribers.
