Fan negativity - Ivins

We have obnoxious fans, guess what so does every team. You know one thing we have a plethora of that other schools don’t? *****y, whiney reporters that also throw the team under the bus and create a negative cloud around the team on a much larger platform than any fan. Go read the articles put out by ****** FsU reporters vs the Miami guys and notice the difference in tone, that **** matters but these clowns are so lacking in self awareness of course they blame the fans
Both concepts can be true at the same time, you know. The staff failed this season to an atrocious and completely unacceptable level. At the same time, negativity over and over and over on social media in front of recruits ad nauseam does not help our program, it only hurts us.
The coaches are obviously the main problem here, but if you want to increase your chances with a recruit, don’t influence his perception with extremely negative thoughts.

We have a right to be upset, but the way you convey a message has a big effect.

Saying “this season is unacceptable, we expect more” versus “I can’t root for this team anymore, we suck, shut the ******* program down” is very different.
HAHAHHAHAHAH THE FANS ARE MAD BECAUSE WE ARE 6-6... with a 50% blue chip ratio.... its almost impossible... the fans have the right to be mad.... we didnt hire this staff... all this hold overs from the past ****** staff... stealing an inexperienced coach from Temple... we are a joke...keep blaming the fans the fans... the fans are the last remaining reason why this football program is relevant...
i said this in another thread earlier but Its a bad look bro especially with recruits from S.Florida people on this board say "why would he come here" or "i wouldnt send my kid to miami" and they are canes fans....I dont see Georgia fans calling kids dumb or commenting to fire coaches under the kids twitter post smh
Around the 14 minute mark - Ivins starts mentioning how aware recruits are that fans are ****ed off.

Specifically mentions Washington, Francois, Robert, Van Dyke etc.

Would suck to miss out on some kids due to social media backlash, but at the same time don't shlt out #TNM nonsense for 8 months and then go 6-6 in the worst division of power5.

Sigh, the good ole negative fans excuse. At least we don't send death threats to player like PSU fans.
I If the fans dont protect and love their school why should any recruit?

While it is true, UM's fans are among the worst on social media...And need to sty out of the kid's comments..."protect and love"?? That's a little dramatic no?
i said this in another thread earlier but Its a bad look bro especially with recruits from S.Florida people on this board say "why would he come here" or "i wouldnt send my kid to miami" and they are canes fans....I dont see Georgia fans calling kids dumb or commenting to fire coaches under the kids twitter post smh

they all do the same ****... your just not involved in their minutia... if georgia goes 6-6 and loses to georgia state... u bet the fan base is going to be telling kids the program is a dumpster fire.. because guess what.. if you lose to georgia state or FIU you are a dumpster fire
HAHAHHAHAHAH THE FANS ARE MAD BECAUSE WE ARE 6-6... with a 50% blue chip ratio.... its almost impossible... the fans have the right to be mad.... we didnt hire this staff... all this hold overs from the past ****** staff... stealing an inexperienced coach from Temple... we are a joke...keep blaming the fans the fans... the fans are the last remaining reason why this football program is relevant...
The fans absolutely have the right to be mad. Nobody expressed otherwise. The point being made here is that things like 900 people jumping on every canes football tweet related to recruiting posting sh-t like fire everyone, this program is dead, I would never send my kid to Miami, etc etc, obviously doesn't help our program in any way. Again, these concepts aren't mutually exclusive. You can be really ****ed off about the status of our program, mad as **** at the staff for their failure, want coaches fired, and still think it is detrimental to post sh-t like that to recruits day in and day out.
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The fans are mad at coaching..but to think recruits don’t notice idiots in their twitter mentions berating the staff that’s recruiting them..then for those fan to say “it’s not us it’s coaching” is comical..blaming coaching for fans twitter fingers is a new one for me