Fall Practice Summary- Day 6

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You said he made a sextape this offseason... That would have been the stupidest thing he could've done THIS offseason. I don't know when it happened, don't even care about it, but I do know that it didn't happen this offseason.

He was improving himself as a man, a person, and a P5 QB this offseason.
Believe that was Pittsburgh week last year
No one wants Tate to come from another program and win. It's that simple. The media doesn't either but they know if they put his name in the title it will get clicked.

It's the same in any locker room. U have to earn the respek. I'm sure KJ did and Bubba will. Once Tate wins week 0 all that hating sh*t will cease.

This is the issue with the majority of your posts. You post in absolutes as if there is no other possible scenario feasible, etc. Stop trying to project on to everyone what you think everyone believes or thinks.
This is the issue with the majority of your posts. You post in absolutes as if there is no other possible scenario feasible, etc. Stop trying to project on to everyone what you think everyone believes or thinks.
It's an opinion. If u don't like it, then don't read it.
This is the issue with the majority of your posts. You post in absolutes as if there is no other possible scenario feasible, etc. Stop trying to project on to everyone what you think everyone believes or thinks.
Yeah idk about his other posts but why would anyone care he came from another program? Cam Newton did and Auburn loved him.
all 20 of them? im just repeating what ryan said on the podcast from Monday when he went to practice. obviously, this **** all changes daily as he couldve had a bad game.
Honestly it makes me wonder why Enos changed his hand position on the football. I know he's a QB guru and all but why on Earth would he tell him (or any QB) to move his hand up and specifically, put his index finger on the point? That's just asking for wobbly passes. We sometimes see that now but he threw tight spirals in his OSU film. Doesn't make sense to me but I guess that's why I'm not getting millions.
@Roman Marciante can you give any insight on this?
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KJ, Bolden, Hill...etc. The issue is @D RevLee has a love affair with Tate and anytime someone gives an opinion that might seem negative...he throws a fit and starts educating people that clearly aren't as smart as him.

its the whole reason we can't enjoy this comp. he watched QB1 and then fell in love like hes the chick Tate is holding
Honestly it makes me wonder why Enos changed his hand position on the football. I know he's a QB guru and all but why on Earth would he tell him (or any QB) to move his hand up and specifically, put his index finger on the point? That's just asking for wobbly passes. We sometimes see that now but he threw tight spirals in his OSU film. Doesn't make sense to me but I guess that's why I'm not getting millions.

I don't know. All of the QBs had things to work on. I don't think that perfecting a new throwing motion should cause for wobbly passes. Maybe he still needs to work on doing it the way Enos taught him. I'm not sure though, you could be right.
Besides nostalgia what about under center i formation gets you hyped up?

First things first, the "I" instantly shifts the mindset of the offensive players to being more aggressive and not finess, which is partly why Fsu in years past didnt win certain games, because at the end of the day, they ran a finesss/shotgun offense. That's the one thing i could careless about with a coach richt team, i never liked that offense, but you can win titles with it when its paired with Miami/Florida guys. Also with the qb's under center, the defense doesnt know if its a run or pass and play-action becomes even more effective which creates more space for the passing lanes. That formation becomes a defenses worst nightmare especiallly when you got not one but at minimum 2 elite tightends, any defensive false steps and we'll have multiple big play options available.

A defense will have to be on point all game long, cause they'll have many keys they'll have to read!
I don't know. All of the QBs had things to work on. I don't think that perfecting a new throwing motion should cause for wobbly passes. Maybe he still needs to work on doing it the way Enos taught him. I'm not sure though, you could be right.
It's not really the throwing motion but in one of the interviews with Tate, he explains Enos asked him to bring his hand up and his pointer finger almost at the tip. That will naturally cause the ball wobble as he releases it. That goes for anyone, just seems odd
This Guy came from another program...then layed D*ck to said program....
If you look at Perry's track record no coach in his right mind would have given Perry another start. It was reported last offseason that he wasn't putting in the work and trying to learn a very very simple offense. Then he he put up videos of himself flashing stacks of cash , then this offseason he posted videos of himself boning chicks. You might notice a pattern of behavior. Rosier had his limitations, but he also won 10 games the season before. He also ran Richts offense the way Richt called it.

There is no coach in D1 that would swap out a QB who had totally earned the HC's trust (and won 10 games) with an unproven, demonstrably immature qb who, when given his opportunity to step up, promptly decided to ignore the HC and call his own plays (not unless the kid has Cam Newton-like talent and can carry the team to a championship on his own). Perry might be good, but he isn't anywhere near that talent level. Maybe if Perry had lit up UVA with his own playcalling, Richt could have seen his potential. Instead Perry threw pick after pick.

Sorry, bro, there are lots of reasons to dump on Richt, but benching Perry indefinitely for not showing that he was ready to lead the team is not one of them.

Should he have started Williams? Yes. At some point. I think once Miami was out of the running for the coastal, Richt should have taken the opportunity to evaluate Williams. Perry was in his doghouse and wasn't going to get more burn. Williams, as far as I know, wasn't as much of a problem. I would have liked to have seen Williams with 2 or 3 starts at the end of the season.
Yep and by that time, he could've still preserved his redshirt. It was very bizarre.
It's not really the throwing motion but in one of the interviews with Tate, he explains Enos asked him to bring his hand up and his pointer finger almost at the tip. That will naturally cause the ball wobble as he releases it. That goes for anyone, just seems odd

I can't debate you on that one. We all know Enos is a sly fox.