Fall Practice Summary - Day 2

People hanging on the opinions of tenth grade HS students, not to mention all the other self-proclaimed “Twitter experts” - none of whom have played or coached the games or the position.

All of a sudden these guys have absorbed super powers of quarterback observation, and can accurately break down quarterback play like a Tony Romo or Roman Marciante
gilbert is running 20+ mph at **** near 200 pounds. in-*******-credible

And that’s why Gil should be a DB. I feel he’s being misused at Striker. Former cb with coverage skills and that burst needs to be on the backend. Striker should be reserved for former DBs that outgrow the position or don’t have the speed/instincts to excel there.
Matt, since you and several others have seen far more live than the rest of us (and many thanks for that!)...

If you had to make the call right now, who is your QB1 for the opening drive against the lizards?

From what I've read via all the posts and observed on twitter vid snippets, it appears Tate by the slimmest of margins...

He already told me he’s not going to answer that.
And that’s why Gil should be a DB. I feel he’s being misused at Striker. Former cb with coverage skills and that burst needs to be on the backend. Striker should be reserved for former DBs that outgrow the position or don’t have the speed/instincts to excel there.

Maybe....the coaches know better than you?
It seems like JW has been the most consistent out of the three on a consistent basis..Good(not N’Kosi great) arm, Good (not Tate Great mobility) BY far most accurate... I know it’s still early but and we have ALL of fall camp but I’ve honestly thought he’d give us the best chance to win. My ONLY question is does he have that Martell “it” factor to galvanize the team? Time will tell. Until then, let em play ref...

I think the key with him is just knowing where to go with the ball. He has the fundamentals as far as accuracy, pocket movement and not being a reckless decision maker. Those are traits that separate him from Martell and Perry who can struggle in those areas at times. When you have a lot of skill position talent (and a great defense) you want a guy who protects the ball and can make plays with his legs when needed. That's always been a winning formula at every level of football.

And that’s why Gil should be a DB. I feel he’s being misused at Striker. Former cb with coverage skills and that burst needs to be on the backend. Striker should be reserved for former DBs that outgrow the position or don’t have the speed/instincts to excel there.

There's a lot more to CB than speed. Specifically you need agility and hips to change directions. I warned fans that Frierson was a high-cut straight-linish dude when we were recruiting him. I said he'd probably be a special teamer and safety project. Striker makes a lot of sense for him as he can run and hit and make plays with the ball in front of him.
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I think the key with him is just knowing where to go with the ball. He has the fundamentals as far as accuracy, pocket movement and not being a reckless decision maker. Those are traits that separate him from Martell and Perry who can struggle in those areas at times. When you have a lot of skill position talent (and a great defense) you want a guy who protects the ball and can make plays with his legs when needed. That's always been a winning formula at every level of football.

There's a lot more to CB than speed. Specifically you need agility and hips to change directions. I warned fans that Frierson was a high-cut straight-linish dude when we were recruiting him. I said he'd probably be a special teamer and safety project. Striker makes a lot of sense for him as he can run and hit and make plays with the ball in front of him.

I didn't mean CB, i meant safety. I should have been more clear....and i do agree he was a little high-cut on tape at CB. I just think guys with his positional background and speed should be groomed to roam the center of the field (at least at first) where that speed can be put to use instead of closer to the line where it's not as much about speed as it is agility and sifting through garbage.

If he doesn't show well then yeah, move him. My point about striker though is i'd rather bump DBs there who physically outgrew the safety position and/or are a step slow to manage the center of the field alone in coverage than kick a freshman who hasn't really had a chance to develop yet. It just seems we've done things bc of depth issues.
And that’s why Gil should be a DB. I feel he’s being misused at Striker. Former cb with coverage skills and that burst needs to be on the backend. Striker should be reserved for former DBs that outgrow the position or don’t have the speed/instincts to excel there.

I don’t disagree with your point but with that said the team isn’t hurting at DB today. If he gets to the 210-230 range and can cover like a CB and hit all over the field he is insanely valuable. The striker is a playmaker Swiss Army knife, it shouldn’t be reserved for guys too slow or big to play their natural spot in my opinion.
Matt, since you and several others have seen far more live than the rest of us (and many thanks for that!)...

If you had to make the call right now, who is your QB1 for the opening drive against the lizards?

From what I've read via all the posts and observed on twitter vid snippets, it appears Tate by the slimmest of margins...
If UF receives and Franks throws a pick six, it's Williams. All other scenarios, Martell and Perry swap series.

I asked very specific questions to my magic eight ball and this was the consensus.
man the reports out of this practice kinda back what i thought about jarren -- hes the most polished passer, but i hope he can put it altogether. it'd be a shame (whether he starts or doesn't) if he leaves and gets it together and blows up elsewhere. glad martell is looking better than he did in the spring, which def helps. wondering what it looks like on monday with pads on tho