Expectations for the LB's


Nov 3, 2011
It's the off-season I'm bored as ****. It seems like Shaq and McCloud have taken a step this spring I'm curious to see what people expect out this unit this season.

Quarterman: Leader of the defense. Seems like he took control last year as a true freshman and has the leaership qualities you want out of a MLB. Seems like with time to get his shoulder 100% and more time in the defense he's going to be even better next season. Lu has pointed out he needs to improve in coverage but as he matures he should improve his play recognition and get better in his drops.

McCloud: Kid started to really look the part at the end of last season. I still believe Shaq is ahead of him but for how long I'm not sure. McCloud has that ability to stop guys in their tracks but is also athletic enough to hold up in coverage.

Pickney: Seems like he needs to mature a little off the field but kid makes plays. Kid is a football player that is a beast all over the field. He seemed to be behind Owens in the spring but can't see him coming off the bench, makes too many plays.

Owens: Hope his knee is right because he can also be a difference maker.

Is there a better starting 3 LB's in the country?
Shaq is a true professional. Really works on his craft, technically savy, and the alpha dog on the field.

McCloud has absurd potential. Modern LB who can hit and run.

Pinckney has rare instincts. He just has a knack for not over thinking things and letting himself go, which is why I think he makes so many plays.

Having said that, they all have a LONG way to go, but this truly has the potential to be a special group.
Shaq is a true professional. Really works on his craft, technically savy, and the alpha dog on the field.

McCloud has absurd potential. Modern LB who can hit and run.

Pinckney has rare instincts. He just has a knack for not over thinking things and letting himself go, which is why I think he makes so many plays.

Having said that, they all have a LONG way to go, but this truly has the potential to be a special group.

Even with a ways to go I think we could argue that aren't many line backing corps that are better. And they are all true sophmores.
My expectations for the LB's are simple- Hit, stick, bust ****.. then talk ****!
Pass defense. Have had few interceptions from LBs in years and, as expected, last year they seemed to be in the general vicinity of the receivers in their areas but not close enough to defend the pass. I would think pass defense is one of the last things a High School LB is taught and thinks about.
Pass defense. Have had few interceptions from LBs in years and, as expected, last year they seemed to be in the general vicinity of the receivers in their areas but not close enough to defend the pass. I would think pass defense is one of the last things a High School LB is taught and thinks about.

Pickney had 1 last season, believe Shaq had 1 as well. Agree that the backers need to be better in coverage.
Heard good things about Perry, Owens, Smith throughout the spring. Tough to know if its just the coaches keeping the sophomore trio motivated, or if the backups are just that good.
Shaq is a true professional. Really works on his craft, technically savy, and the alpha dog on the field.

McCloud has absurd potential. Modern LB who can hit and run.

Pinckney has rare instincts. He just has a knack for not over thinking things and letting himself go, which is why I think he makes so many plays.

Having said that, they all have a LONG way to go, but this truly has the potential to be a special group.
Agree with this and the post before... A couple weekends ago I was at their apartment and talking with Zach he is chomping at the bit... he is going to hurt somebody this year... Shaq has taken on the roll as leader very well.. proud of him... I asked how has others taken to your new roll ... and he claims its all good... i ask because I was curious and know Darrion is like his big brother off the field... wanted to know how he take Shaq on the field...and Shaq said it was all good with some moments of awkwardness... Mike has a nack to be where the ball is going to be...Playmaker... he needs to pick up some good weight.. D.O if he reach the level of 85% of his potential it will be amazing... but still sluggish favors that knee himders him from being where he needs to be... Mike Smith is gonna be better this year too...

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Owens needs reps and to take a few cut blocks. The cut blocks will help him mentally with his knee and it will become ancient history. The reps will help his sight recognition and he'll play faster. I can't wait to see him at full speed. His physical makeup is NFLesque. Love having him in the rotation. Great to hear your insights again Mr. Q. It brings a great look into the team dynamic.

Go Canes!
Shaq is a true professional. Really works on his craft, technically savy, and the alpha dog on the field.

McCloud has absurd potential. Modern LB who can hit and run.

Pinckney has rare instincts. He just has a knack for not over thinking things and letting himself go, which is why I think he makes so many plays.

Having said that, they all have a LONG way to go, but this truly has the potential to be a special group.

True 4-3 Will Backer. Big Nort Dominating as that 1tech keeps those lineman off him. Cant wait to see Pickney take the next step this year..
Clean up squad! Domination! Whatever you want to say that indicates that that group is some bad *ss muh****as that don't take no sh*t from no one.
And to think all of this talent would've been wasted if Dabo doesn't pimp slap Alfredo
Expectation is for all aerial attacks and all attempts to enter are eliminated from existence ^2