MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

After getting our **** pushed in by MTSU and becoming the laughing stock of the 2022 season, are we actual betting favorites in any remaining game on the schedule? Anyone checked the betting lines or is that too early? Injuries to the running backs in a power run scheme. Injuries to the top two WR's for when we have to come back from a 3+ point deficit. Etc.
Other than our fan base unfortunately I don’t think many people even care about Miami anymore to where it was a shock. I think it was more man they have fallen. It would be a shock if someone good lost.
My buddy said that there's a scene from the movie Deliverance that portrays what Mack is going to do to Mario. Haven't scene the movie so not sure which scene he's referring to. Anyone know??

We might need @Baba Yaga to work his magic.
We just need some pillars.

Don't tell me - Golden too that book with him . . . except the D'Onofrio pillars.
I don't have the patience to play the "prove I'm a troll" game right now. Straight to the band. No appeal. Zero fvcks given.
I don’t think we’re beating UNC but that dude was a returning troll. And there are more. Let’s leave the ****show to our existing known posters of good standing and torch the remainder
Fans can do better, too. Jesus, "any team in the country" can beat Miami? Fan base needs to grow a pair.
I live in SC and give more effort getting out of bed then those fvcker gave last weekend. Don't tell me to do better or any Canes fan for that matter.
Thank you,
I live in SC and give more effort getting out of bed then those fvcker gave last weekend. Don't tell me to do better or any Canes fan for that matter.
Thank you,

As I posted before.... 90% of this team know they aren't playing at the next level ... right now they have a handful of NIL $$$ to enjoy, win or not. They don't care.
Easy money destroys motivation.
Just gonna say it. This feels like bottom. However, the difference between this team or program and past teams is this is not done on the cheap. They are investing in winning. It may take longer than we hoped but it is a rebuild. As long as they buy the bricks I feel ok. We were using paper mache before. Unfortunately we just may suck for a little while longer while the paper is pulled off.
Wouldn't 2 safties put us in a 4-3 defense? No body runs that now days. RPO will kill you. Not trying to argue at all. I am just trying to figure things out like you are my friend.
6 DBs on the field against 4 WR sets regardless down. That's all I was saying. This is what ISU does as a base defense against most sets not just 4 WRs. This their defense to spread teams. Clemson adopted it under Venables and ran it situatiinally.
You are referring to Cover 4 as quarters, but again you are wrong (at least above the HS level) - it's NOT just responsible for the man that comes into your area. There are basically set rules and responsibilities. The outside CB main priority is #1 (counting outside to inside for WRs/TE/RB) when he threatens vertically (basically anything deeper than the LBs dropping into their zone). Safety/Nickel main priority is #2 when they threaten vertically, and so on. At a high level Cover 3 and Cover 4 literally are just man coverage when their primary read threatens vertically. Now obviously there are different ways the defense can play it - like say the ouside WR runs a post and the inside WR runs a corner - the CB/S can switch or a bunch of other scenarios like first one out/first one in.., etc, etc.

But Again In my initial comment I gave a literal example - cut the field in half and say you have 2 WRs against 1 CB and 1 Safety in Cover 4. #1 runs a post or a corner-post, #2 runs a 15 yard In/dig. What are the responsibilities? In your version of just responsible for the man that comes into your area, who is the safety supposed to cover? That 15 yard in/dig is beyond the area of the LBs - and thus technically in the safeties area of responsibility. But that post route has exited the CBs area and entered what is supposed to be the safeties area too... Now obviously you want to go high to low, so the Safety should be on the post in your version. But then you're just giving up wide open 15 yard passes, meanwhile the CB is covering nobody... That is why in actual practice, Cover 4 with a vertical route by the #1 is essentially man coverage, and then the Safety can drive on the vertical threat by the #2 Wr.
I appreciate your detailed and well thought response. I get where you're coming from. I was just simplying to keep the conversation less complicated.

My whole point was to play 6 DBs against 4 WR sets. Regardless of what the CBs do, the safties can split the field and just hawk the ball. They don't need to be assigned help to a particular WR unless the coach wants to give help to a particular CB. In that case, someone is going to be left on an island.

However, IMO just showing 2 safties deep makes it less likely to get bombed over the top unless their are more than 2 vertical routes as the QB should determine his deep route(s) will be double covered and would look elsewhere at shorter routes.
Just gonna say it. This feels like bottom. However, the difference between this team or program and past teams is this is not done on the cheap. They are investing in winning. It may take longer than we hoped but it is a rebuild. As long as they buy the bricks I feel ok. We were using paper mache before. Unfortunately we just may suck for a little while longer while the paper is pulled off.
It's a rebuild to get back to being a great team, not to get back to one that can look competitive against MTSU. Anyone with a brain knew 8 or 9 wins was the ceiling this year in year 1. Looking like we did last week and have all season is still unacceptable no matter how you slice.

This is an extremely poorly coached team through the first third of the year. It being year 1 doesn't excuse that.
It's a rebuild to get back to being a great team, not to get back to one that can look competitive against MTSU. Anyone with a brain knew 8 or 9 wins was the ceiling this year in year 1. Looking like we did last week and have all season is still unacceptable no matter how you slice.

This is an extremely poorly coached team through the first third of the year. It being year 1 doesn't excuse that.
Agree. The rebuild includes more coaching changes going forward. My point is we went cheap for years so I was checking out since they were not even trying to be a good program. At least the program is trying as a whole now. Execution needs to change but we can't use money as an excuse anymore. It will fall solely on the HC and the decisions he makes. I still feel much better today about our trajectory than I did at this time last year.