MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

I hear you and agree.

But experience and age tells me this will be an “open competition” through the bye week and there is a real chance that TVD takes the reins again.

This game and result was the WORST case scenario. A loss, QB controversy, demoralized team, bye week, and a tough ACC opponent waiting for you that has had your number for years.

If I’m Mario, I declare Garcia the starter and use the next two weeks to reenergize the offense (how? I don’t know, but I’m also not getting $8 million a year to do so). If we, by some miracle, find a spark with Jake and beat North Carolina, it could spark us. It also is our last, best chance to salvage a season that has taken a sharp left turn.
Mario will choose Jake, no question. TVD looked so bummed. There was a terrible look on his face throughout. He was shook. It was like “why is this happening to me and someone please (!) help me out. I’m lost.”
I was a big fan of TVD. But the last couple weeks he really lost me. He has shown that he isn't a leader. His comments about the stadium were true but should never have been said. Seems to me he just isn't the same player under this staff. Garcia seems somewhat comfortable in this system and should get the start.
I don't think we need to fire him, but he gets an F- for today's performance. MTSU's offensive gameplan worked to perfection. They knew the weak spots and abused them all game. I didn't see any adjustments. He's done pretty well in the run game. Doesn't have our linebackers crashing into lineman and running to the sideline with them. Tackling has been a pleasant surprise so far this season, although today was a disaster.
Pretty much every defense in college football is trash. Thats football nowadays. Some defenses are more trash then others, but ANY well coached well exeuting offense can make a defense look bad in 2022. That;s just the way it is
So stupid with the fire everybody after a loss. How about get better kids to come to Miami. thats been the problem here lately. I don't care who coaches here. we needs players that can get it done.
But y’all ready to fire Gattis while the defense has gotten cooked all season