Last resort with Hulu 7 day free trail... then can't forget to cancel after the game cause I'll be damned if I'm paying them $49.99/mo. with already paying $249/Comcast.
Hulu, PSVue, Sling... loads of options for each game we play on ACCN. I was fully prepared to do my tour of all the streaming services but then I completely lucked out and my sister in NYC just so happens to have Spectrum
Then you subscribe to some other streaming service that gets ACCN. Again, merely buying a smart TV from Samsung does not give you access to ACCN. I know for a fact because I have one.

i get too many bundle discounts with ATT and i hate DTV satellite going out every time it rains (all the time) so im still on uverse till they kick us off.
After 3 residences with (expensive) Comcast, I moved 4 years ago to a slice of North Florida Comcast will not service, and it was DirecTV or nothing (this was before AT&T bought them.)

I never thought I would miss Comcast, but starting with the rain issue (see quote) it's been a sad state of affairs. Seems ACCN is in my DirecTV platform selection though; here's hoping for sunny skies (at 8PM??)