ELITE 8 VS TEXAS - 5:05pm on CBS

Im not seeing smart improvisational play from the Canes in transition. Pack, who needs to drive more had a chance to pull up for the three on that 3 on 2, yet he attacked the rim and made a tough shot.
Can't believe they choked in the biggest game of the season. This looks nothing like the team we've seen the last two games and I don't believe texas play has anything to do w it. We just like look ****
need to make a run here to have a chance. Texas is playing great on both ends. Hats off to them so far
BS. Utter BS. Texas is flopping like a 3rd rate Euroleague team, but Miami has to find a way to stay in this fight. This game isn't over. That said, someone has to step up and say "We aren't losing" There's too much experience on this roster for this team to let Texas run away from them.
Holly crap, what game are we playing? We are scare to contest any shot and we are playing some other teams offense!
Good season boys nothing to hang their hands about with an ACC title and another Elite 8 appearance. Just a couple pieces away from playing in a final four.