Earl Little, Jr. commits to FSUck

Because pulling a gun on someone is always warranted...
Very rarely warranted, but Dugans is still coaching in P5 college football and Hightower is nowhere to be found. Somehow Dugans came out as in the right in this mess, which begs the question. What the **** was Hightower doing if the guy who pulled a gun on him is the one who was right? Could not have been good on Hightower’s part.
Very rarely warranted, but Dugans is still coaching in P5 college football and Hightower is nowhere to be found. Somehow Dugans came out as in the right in this mess, which begs the question. What the **** was Hightower doing if the guy who pulled a gun on him is the one who was right? Could not have been good on Hightower’s part.
Judging criminality based off of job status is a risky propsition. If is a powerful word as it can either give life to or reveal bias. Hightower continued a collegiate career but that does not make him right either. How does continuing a career make Dugans correct? Especially if many believe he is incompetent? Just saying unless there is proof of wrongdoing we shouldn't make statements that assume judgement. They have both moved on and so should we... #MarioIsHome
Judging criminality based off of job status is a risky propsition. If is a powerful word as it can either give life to or reveal bias. Hightower continued a collegiate career but that does not make him right either. How does continuing a career make Dugans correct? Especially if many believe he is incompetent? Just saying unless there is proof of wrongdoing we shouldn't make statements that assume judgement. They have both moved on and so should we... #MarioIsHome
Sorry for the typos 🤣
Very rarely warranted, but Dugans is still coaching in P5 college football and Hightower is nowhere to be found. Somehow Dugans came out as in the right in this mess, which begs the question. What the **** was Hightower doing if the guy who pulled a gun on him is the one who was right? Could not have been good on Hightower’s part.
Might wanna not let people get to you that easily. They are simply fishing to see if they get a reaction out of me. But someone like you chimes in instead and their joke works all the same. Have a great night. Everything y'all as canes fans has been begging about for easily 20 years is in the process of occurring & y'all still find some clown to talk about nonsense...
Judging criminality based off of job status is a risky propsition. If is a powerful word as it can either give life to or reveal bias. Hightower continued a collegiate career but that does not make him right either. How does continuing a career make Dugans correct? Especially if many believe he is incompetent? Just saying unless there is proof of wrongdoing we shouldn't make statements that assume judgement. They have both moved on and so should we... #MarioIsHome
If it was accepted in the coaching profession that Dugans pulled a gun on a player you really think he would still be coaching? Not only would this have been a crime of aggravated assault (unless done in defense of self or others), but absolutely zero university HR departments would allow Dugans to coach because of the civil liability. So somewhere along the way it is obviously not accepted fact that Dugans pulled a gun on a kid, or at least that he was legally justified in his action. The vetting would eliminate Dugans as an employee in 5 seconds If he committed this crime.
All of this makes me feel Sooo good…A real coach..Coach Richt would have been a good head coach for Us but Miami got him at the end of his career…This is exciting…Let’s Gooooo