Don't kill the messenger. Word is, Golden gone by Monday.

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If Vinn's information is correct, it's highly unlikely that anything happens today, at least early today.

Sounds like the decision makers are just getting back to it today. Top that off with the pending singing of the Adidas deal, which I have to believe will factor into this from a $ perspective, I wouldn't hold my breath on anything happening today.

I have oceanview property in Arizona for sale.
TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :basedgod:

nothing is going to happen...I find myself humming the tune to "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with."

F that! I'm done trying to love the UM I'm with.

The morning I woke up all hung over and discovered that UM had hired the head coach from Temple, I was willing to give the man a chance, even if it wasn't the hire I'd hoped for. And for a while, I told myself that yeah, the team is bad, but the talent really IS down from traditional UM expectations, so maybe another recruiting class...

When Golden's finally gone, I'll come take a look and see how things are going, maybe even start rooting for the team again. But to CHOOSE to go forward with this guy means you've decided you're okay with being a loser.
Just saw Joe Zagacki walk into Hecht with about 40lbs of rigatoni. Alfredo obviously ain't gone.
Taking a leap of faith, Goldens going to be fired by wednesday. The BOT is throwing away last season. The got rid of the unis, now they'll can the ****** coaches.
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