Don't kill the messenger. Word is, Golden gone by Monday.

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Who cares about this brand business? They're giving us more money. No brainer.

Pros for us fans: the new apparel and new uniforms could be dope.

Cons for us fans: the new apparel and new uniforms could be crap.

We'll see what the future holds.

Speaking of the future? Is today the day we officially learn that Al 'Prolong the Pain' Golden is still our coach? And so are all those other goobers around him?
I don't care if the uniforms are from some sweat shop in Hialeah. I just want a competitive football team on the field. This will not happen until Frauden and his BFF Doritos is gone.
Who cares about this brand business? They're giving us more money. No brainer.

Pros for us fans: the new apparel and new uniforms could be dope.

Cons for us fans: the new apparel and new uniforms could be crap.

We'll see what the future holds.

Speaking of the future? Is today the day we officially learn that Al 'Prolong the Pain' Golden is still our coach? And so are all those other goobers around him?
I don't care if the uniforms are from some sweat shop in Hialeah. I just want a competitive football team on the field. This will not happen until Frauden and his BFF Doritos is gone.

AGREE 100%
So today is supposed to be the day.

now we wait






If Vinn's information is correct, it's highly unlikely that anything happens today, at least early today.

Sounds like the decision makers are just getting back to it today. Top that off with the pending singing of the Adidas deal, which I have to believe will factor into this from a $ perspective, I wouldn't hold my breath on anything happening today.
If he were getting fired there would have been all kinds of leaks by now. Don't hold your breath folks
If you think he's getting fired, please call me to discuss investment opportunities.
They're bringing him back with the entire staff in tact.

Just shows how terrible this administration really is the be strong armed by a terrible contract. Amateur hour.

Welp, At least we now have Adidas to sell to these recruits.....LULZ

It's so bad, I feel as if the administration is just trolling us at this point.
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