Don't kill the messenger. Word is, Golden gone by Monday.

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If he is let go they will move quickly to hire someone with UM ties and South Florida Ties.. most likely, Cristobal, Chud, Schiano, or Butch.... no more outsiders
I just have a slimmer of hope that Donna cares about her legacy her and not leave a messed up football program behind her. Maybe, just maybe she will try to correct the series of mistakes her administration made and find a away to let AG out before she leaves office. We can only hope.
If he is let go they will move quickly to hire someone with UM ties and South Florida Ties.. most likely, Cristobal, Chud, Schiano, or Butch.... no more outsiders

Schiano and Cristobal again, does anyone not eat lead paint?
Make a statement to your fans and hire Gary Patterson. Would be bigger than Harbaugh to Mich.
something is up, all these player tweets are coming from nowhere
nots aying they know4but someone is orgastrating something
hopefully not fat al
cristobal will not be in contention FACT. schiano turned them down once before.
How long before Baghdad Blake comes out and crushes all these rumors and puts us back in reality and the mass exodus of recruits and players proceeds?
Really dumb if we waited this long to fire him

There are literally no coaches available for hire right now except Butch

There are three. We all know this is school is poorly run. There are three coaches with Miami connects available. Butch, Chud and Schiano. IF this goes down. I'd guess it would be one of them.

Wow, you can't get an employed coach? Why?

Snyder was not employed when KState brought him back. Working Great for them.
I just have a slimmer of hope that Donna cares about her legacy her and not leave a messed up football program behind her. Maybe, just maybe she will try to correct the series of mistakes her administration made and find a away to let AG out before she leaves office. We can only hope.

No shot it's her doing anything
college football rumor mill was the first to get this going yesterday btw
I read somewhere on twitter that the buyout clause in his contract didn't come into effect until 2015 and that's why they waited. Take it with a grain of salt though
Maybe Al Golden wants out and finally willing to negotiate on the buy out a little bit. I guarnatee Golden has gotten a really cold reception from recruits since the UVA game. Maybe he sees coming back next year is so toxic he will ruin his career forever he might be better off taking million less then having the worst UM recruiting class ever on his record along with next season 5-7 record on his resume.

This would make sense.
They probably wanted to keep him but it's just become too toxic to not make a change.
Hope it's true.
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