Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

Our great christian nation tried to enslave natives and when it did not work we killed almost all of them. Then we enslaved Africans and forced them to work for nothing. The US prospered for sure, but lets not kid our selves about christian morality promoting our prosperity. You do realize the right to worship who and how you wanted was a big draw for some coming to the Americas from England.
Don't judge American/Western greatness against you're own comfy-sofa ideals, but instead of all those who have come before us.

PS yes I know about the Puritans - thank goodness their ideas didnt take hold...
Don't judge American/Western greatness against you're own comfy-sofa ideals, but instead of all those who have come before us.

PS yes I know about the Puritans - thank goodness their ideas didnt take hold...
Owning another person is okay to you? Trying to exterminate natives was also okay? You know I love history, church history, and math, those Puritans were an interesting group of people.
Owning another person is okay to you? Trying to exterminate natives was also okay? You know I love history, church history, and math, those Puritans were an interesting group of people.

Natives killed and cannibalized each other, Africans enslaved Europeans for thousands of years, and Persians enslaved white people. No country, religion, or race is free of sin.

It was horrible every time it happened.
Owning another person is okay to you? Trying to exterminate natives was also okay? You know I love history, church history, and math, those Puritans were an interesting group of people.
Do you actually believe starting off a discussion with those contemptuous strawmen is fruitful?
Just wanted to point this out . . . I want to couch those figures with the caveat that there are over 3 million educators in the public school system, so 181 is roughly .006%, which means there are a lot of great teachers out there not molesting children.

Is it just me or are we about to hear the religious minority tell us that .006% is inconsequential in similar fashion as the Covid statistics?
Covid grooms kids for molestation?

@crossover22[]_[] Was this the type of grooming you meant when we were chatting previously? Don't worry, I still think democrats and republicans alike are responsible for grooming. It is a human problem, not a political one.
No thats just a piece of **** that doesn't belong on this earth.

Grooming is a teacher openly talking to their class about sexuality or race issues in hopes of swaying them to believe what the teacher believes.
Yes, pretty amazing this is happening in 2022. It looks like this movement was started by this Gerald L.K. Smith guy in the '50's. It went away, but I guess it is getting back in vogue.

Since Jesus was actually raised on the Torah and descended from the children of Abraham and the first Christians were ****** believers I never really understood how so called believers in Christ fringe could be anti-Semitic.

Anyways, I'd be more worried about the extremists that are currently in vogue, in power, and actually doing damage to our country.
Our great christian nation tried to enslave natives and when it did not work we killed almost all of them. Then we enslaved Africans and forced them to work for nothing. The US prospered for sure, but lets not kid our selves about christian morality promoting our prosperity. You do realize the right to worship who and how you wanted was a big draw for some coming to the Americas from England.
You love history correct???

So why do you leave out major parts of it?

The natives weren't just sitting in this country smoking peace pipes and living peacefully. They were enslaving each other. Raping each others women, and stealing land from the tribes they conquered.

Whites did not go into africa and take africans. Africans were fighting amongst each other and the tribes they conquered they enslaved and kept them for slaves or sold them to Europeans.

Native Americans and blacks in America also owned black slaves and not in small numbers either.

While very wrong and disgusting. Slavery was a way of life around the entire globe and wasnt a purely racist institution. Whites were enslaved, blacks were enslaved, Hispanics were enslaved, middle eastern people were enslaved. Asians were enslaved. For some reason you choose to only talk about blacks being slaves.

Youre judging the actions of people in the 15 thru 18 hundreds. Extremely easy to do while sitting in air conditioning with a phone and your tv on.

Christian morols is what makes the west greater than any civilization in world history. Doesn't mean the people were perfect.
PS yes I know about the Puritans - thank goodness their ideas didnt take hold...
Oh, don’t kid yourself. Their ideas definitely DID take hold. Their ideological descendants are the ones who constantly want to use state coercion to micromanage our lives in every possible way. They just stopped including God in their rhetoric several decades ago. That’s the main difference.
Absolutely. 100%

And there is so much in our world that is geared towards distracting us from our truths.


For instance, your truth appears to be Jesus. I get it. For others it is science perhaps. For others it is the constitution. For others it is equity and equality for all. And on and on it goes.
Oh, don’t kid yourself. Their ideas definitely DID take hold. Their ideological descendants are the ones who constantly want to use state coercion to micromanage our lives in every possible way. They just stopped including God in their rhetoric several decades ago. That’s the main difference.
Ironically the PCA would disagree with you. lol
You love history correct???

So why do you leave out major parts of it?

The natives weren't just sitting in this country smoking peace pipes and living peacefully. They were enslaving each other. Raping each others women, and stealing land from the tribes they conquered.

Whites did not go into africa and take africans. Africans were fighting amongst each other and the tribes they conquered they enslaved and kept them for slaves or sold them to Europeans.

Native Americans and blacks in America also owned black slaves and not in small numbers either.

While very wrong and disgusting. Slavery was a way of life around the entire globe and wasnt a purely racist institution. Whites were enslaved, blacks were enslaved, Hispanics were enslaved, middle eastern people were enslaved. Asians were enslaved. For some reason you choose to only talk about blacks being slaves.

Youre judging the actions of people in the 15 thru 18 hundreds. Extremely easy to do while sitting in air conditioning with a phone and your tv on.

Christian morols is what makes the west greater than any civilization in world history. Doesn't mean the people were perfect.
Migration of peoples have always been bloody due to contested resources. But migration is not a unique thing at all.

Do you think the indigenous people the first white settlers encountered inhabited that land since the beginning of time sprouting alongside the shrubs and vegetation? LOL

Various native tribes warred amongst each other for territory and stands to reason they would have been hostile to others and vice versa. They migrated to these lands from elsewhere too. Probably from Siberia due to a land bridge that crossed into North America during the Ice Age.

It’s not a white thing or black thing or anything. It’s a human nature thing.
I'm a believer in a higher power. I don't buy into the notion that there is an all powerful man in the sky that "has a plan" that involves children being murdered, terrorist attacks, etc...

For instance, your truth appears to be Jesus. I get it. For others it is science perhaps. For others it is the constitution. For others it is equity and equality for all. And on and on it goes.
I’d add that faith in Christ is not exclusive to science at all. Equality for all would certainly be a Christian principle - a true believer in Jesus could not do anything else but treat everyone the same. As Paul later wrote - and writing from memory - that in Christ there is neither *** nor Greek, male or female.