Do not be surprised if

Let's all bump that Dexter Williams theead and laugh and see how many people will come out of the woodwork saying they loved him all along
**** I won't be surprised if we lose Scarlet and don't get Williams either. Hate this ******* staff!
Even trade. Think I prefer Scarlett.

Honestly, I agree with you that I prefer scarlet. However, nothing would be more f-ed up than a recruit that says he is committed to you all along the process and at last second says no while you put others (dexter Williams) on back burner for him. That's messed up.... Not sure what else staff can do recruiting wise (besides the obvious - winning). I'd be rooting hard for Dexter to outshine him.... And I usually don't hold anything against players, but playing staff like this would say a lot about him.
Pete said not to worry about FSU as his mother had a bad experience there and Dexter won't be in the class (just a few days ago). What a f...king freak show.
Pete said not to worry about FSU as his mother had a bad experience there and Dexter won't be in the class (just a few days ago). What a f...king freak show.

^^^^ this and plus all indications point to williams committing to notre dame
What i hate is he post that stuff and then leaves for a few days lol, come on Pete comeback in here and gives us more info!!!!
Pete said not to worry about FSU as his mother had a bad experience there and Dexter won't be in the class (just a few days ago). What a f...king freak show.

That's right. He's just up there at fsu right now avenging his mom's bad experience.
Don't forget Pete was wrong on 80% of his predictions last year. He didn't post here for a long time after signing day.
Pete said not to worry about FSU as his mother had a bad experience there and Dexter won't be in the class (just a few days ago). What a f...king freak show.

^^^^ this and plus all indications point to williams committing to notre dame

My nephew, who is a Notre Dame alum and recruiting fanatic, told me Dexter was a silent commit to them. I have no f...king clue anymore. Pete is like a weather vane, but I guess that's just recruiting. I do think it was pretty weak on Scarlett's part if true.
Pete why you just dropping subtle hints and just disappearing in the threads....? You been ghost frfr lately
I got to laugh at fools who think Pete has any clue wtf is going on, whether with Scarlett or any other recruit. He is still trying to do his geometry homework and waiting on texts from guys who jerk his chain left and right. You might as well ask Nash Bridges to offer his opinion.
Pete said not to worry about FSU as his mother had a bad experience there and Dexter won't be in the class (just a few days ago). What a f...king freak show.

^^^^ this and plus all indications point to williams committing to notre dame

Few weeks before that he said UF with Cronkite. Don't hold your breath that he has much more of a clue than anyone else