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If this thread accomplished anything, it was putting me back in Golden's corner.

It didn't put me back in Golden's corner at all, but definitely confirmed that I had the right impression of Chad and his big-mouthed son. They're both self-important losers, especially Chad because he's the adult and dances around questions with more deft than Golden and Shannon combined.
Not completely sure yet, but it makes me want to be. I've been about as negative about Golden as any fan on the internets can be. But for Choad to come in here and flat out admit that this all stems from Golden not holding his hand and giving him a hug...what a douche. How many parents of kids who don't get offers are afforded that courtesy? Did Maurice Crum and Bennie Blades demand to hold court in Coker's office when their sons didn't get offers? That's a legit question, because they certainly didn't **** on the coaching staff afterwards. Nor would they even if they didn't. Tony Fitzpatrick had a kid/nephew a couple of years ago, a TE, and he didn't get offered. I don't remember Randy having take him out for an ice-cream cone.

Should Al have done it (strategically) because it would have been a better play with other guys on SFE? Of course, but AU pointed out the ridiculousness of all this. If that conversation was really that important, all Choad had to do was give Barrow or Hurlie a ring and say,

"Hey man, I don't want to come off as a bitter parent or too demanding or whatever...but I put my blood, sweat, and tears out there for this U. Could you see if me and my son can have a face to face meeting with Al so we can clear the air and explain why he isn't getting an offer?"

I've yet to see him respond to that. And he is still justifying ****ting on the program and his son acting like you know what. Which brings us to the part where he plays it off like Quincy didn't trash UM until fans attacked him on twitter. BULL****! Fans went in on both of them AFTER they were showing their asses on twitter.

Even better, he was confronted about violating FHSAA rules by stealing players from other highschools and responded by giving a non-denial denial, and taking a swipe at the other coaches job. Noah pointing out that UM allowed him to finish his degree 16 years after he left and is still doing this just puts a bow on everything. He's just a despicable human being.

Well said.
Finally lunch break, let's check CanesInsight. Click this thread. Read first post. See there's 21 pages.

For everybody asking me for WhoopingCane's PM, he asked me not send it to anybody. He doesn't want the information going public. PM Whoop himself and see if he will give it to you.
Chad Wilson...I liked that interception return for a touchdown vs FSU. You took it to the house Bro!
If this thread accomplished anything, it was putting me back in Golden's corner.

I think if Pete's (or CIS) intention was to clear up the air with Chad Wilson it back fired. It brought more fan sympathy to AG and what he is going through recruiting in SF.
What is clear to me after reading this thread is this:
1- AG did not recruit Chad's son as a corner and did not call or meet with Chad to explain why is that.
2- AG and Miami staff never bad mouth Chad or his son or said anything negative about them or their school. Simply did not communicate.
3- Because of the above, Chad and his son are hurt and very bitter consequently both were very "unfriendly" to Miami as a program (not only hostile to AG as many fans are) and both have negatively recruiting against Miami, bad mouthing even players who already on the team.

Make your own judgement. But to me, I can never side with both Chad Wilson and his son considering that UM "offense" does not justify the social media attacks and the negative effect on recruiting.




To branch off of what Dan said...selling guys who don't want to come to Miami on coming to Miami is Golden's job. Dealing with primadona maniacs who will take to Twitter and put the program on blast at the slightest jimmie-rustle is a whole 'nother story.

Golden shouldn't have to put up w/that BS. Imagine IF QW had come to Miami, and then got surpassed on the depth chart. Would CW had blasted the staff/Golden with mocking #FearTheTie shots on Twitter after losses? Yep--you bet your *** he would have. Should he have to put up with that? **** nope.

Now ask yourself this question--did Ray Ray do that with RL3 on the team? **** naw. He may not be happy with the program, and he may want RL3 to get more PT...but I didn't see a single ******* time that Ray Ray took to Twitter to put Golden/Miami on blast. AND--if Ray Ray did have a problem, he knows he can walk himself and his Super Bowl rings into Golden's office and address the issue "man-to-man" (key phrase, there).

And that, my friends, will be why CW just turned himself into a forever-heel in the eyes of this fanbase, and the reason why we all respect/love Ray Ray like CW never will get.
I agree about this being a problem. The school, staff etc cannot come out and defend themselves in a situation like this. As Chad and Quincy are protected by privacy laws. They can say whatever they want and the staff cannot defend themselves.

As a parent you do not deserve a phone call from the staff if they so choose to not recruit your kid. The recruiting business is so cut throat that there is not enough time to do that with every prospect. So your feeling being hurt need to be tamed by you in house. Not on Twitter. If I have a problem it is my job as an adult to talk to the person I have an issue with. Not talk about them from behind a keyboard. So even if they contact you, what did you want them to say? What could they have said to you that would have been ok? Nothing. You feel like your kid is UM caliber and they did not offer. This is the problem with the popular local kids, they are entitled. If you bring them in and they are not happy they will ruin your image publicly and that is obviously not worth it to the staff. Hence, your kid not getting an offer. Good luck with your team and your future. However on behalf on the posters here I would recommend you just leave. Your fighting an unfair fight and your just going to lose respect here. And you are just going to get called names etc. Which I am sure is not worth your time either.

If you have been paying attention, you would realize that I said. I had no problem as a father. UM doesn't like you as a prospect. 69 other division I schools felt the same way as they did not offer you. 50 division I schools did offer him.

My problem was as an alumni, I would think it would be wise to have a conversation with me a person who has direct access to a highly ranked prospect. **** man, I put in my blood, sweat and tears on Greentree practice field and my name is in those hallways.. At least give me that much.

Finally an honest response. The butthurt jumps from the page. Entitlement mentality rears its ugly head.

Not to bash anyone here, but this is some bull****. Thanks to this entitlement that all former UM players have about their kids we are in this situations.

Players are on this team now and hurting us on the field because of it.

Chad you come on here and I thank you for doing so but you're not answering any of the real questions. If you wanted your kid to follow in your footsteps at your school then you would have picked up the phone and called. When my daughter is ready for college and she wants to follow mine through UM then I will do whatever it takes to get here in if she qualifies.

You said that you hyped Golden up and then when you learned the real him you stopped, what is the real him? I also find it funny how you, Genron, puke and other "recruiting handlers" are the only ones saying we dont know the real him. Is it cause he doesnt want to play the money game and ***** this University?
If this thread accomplished anything, it was putting me back in Golden's corner.

It didn't put me back in Golden's corner at all, but definitely confirmed that I had the right impression of Chad and his big-mouthed son. They're both self-important losers, especially Chad because he's the adult and dances around questions with more deft than Golden and Shannon combined.
Not completely sure yet, but it makes me want to be. I've been about as negative about Golden as any fan on the internets can be. But for Choad to come in here and flat out admit that this all stems from Golden not holding his hand and giving him a hug...what a douche. How many parents of kids who don't get offers are afforded that courtesy? Did Maurice Crum and Bennie Blades demand to hold court in Coker's office when their sons didn't get offers? That's a legit question, because they certainly didn't **** on the coaching staff afterwards. Nor would they even if they didn't. Tony Fitzpatrick had a kid/nephew a couple of years ago, a TE, and he didn't get offered. I don't remember Randy having take him out for an ice-cream cone.

Should Al have done it (strategically) because it would have been a better play with other guys on SFE? Of course, but AU pointed out the ridiculousness of all this. If that conversation was really that important, all Choad had to do was give Barrow or Hurlie a ring and say,

"Hey man, I don't want to come off as a bitter parent or too demanding or whatever...but I put my blood, sweat, and tears out there for this U. Could you see if me and my son can have a face to face meeting with Al so we can clear the air and explain why he isn't getting an offer?"

I've yet to see him respond to that. And he is still justifying ****ting on the program and his son acting like you know what. Which brings us to the part where he plays it off like Quincy didn't trash UM until fans attacked him on twitter. BULL****! Fans went in on both of them AFTER they were showing their asses on twitter.

Even better, he was confronted about violating FHSAA rules by stealing players from other high schools and responded by giving a non-denial denial, and taking a swipe at the other coaches job. Noah pointing out that UM allowed him to finish his degree 16 years after he left and is still doing this just puts a bow on everything. He's just a despicable human being.

+rep. Now we see where the kid gets his ****** attitude from.
If this thread accomplished anything, it was putting me back in Golden's corner.

It didn't put me back in Golden's corner at all, but definitely confirmed that I had the right impression of Chad and his big-mouthed son. They're both self-important losers, especially Chad because he's the adult and dances around questions with more deft than Golden and Shannon combined.
Not completely sure yet, but it makes me want to be. I've been about as negative about Golden as any fan on the internets can be. But for Choad to come in here and flat out admit that this all stems from Golden not holding his hand and giving him a hug...what a douche. How many parents of kids who don't get offers are afforded that courtesy? Did Maurice Crum and Bennie Blades demand to hold court in Coker's office when their sons didn't get offers? That's a legit question, because they certainly didn't **** on the coaching staff afterwards. Nor would they even if they didn't. Tony Fitzpatrick had a kid/nephew a couple of years ago, a TE, and he didn't get offered. I don't remember Randy having take him out for an ice-cream cone.

Should Al have done it (strategically) because it would have been a better play with other guys on SFE? Of course, but AU pointed out the ridiculousness of all this. If that conversation was really that important, all Choad had to do was give Barrow or Hurlie a ring and say,

"Hey man, I don't want to come off as a bitter parent or too demanding or whatever...but I put my blood, sweat, and tears out there for this U. Could you see if me and my son can have a face to face meeting with Al so we can clear the air and explain why he isn't getting an offer?"

I've yet to see him respond to that. And he is still justifying ****ting on the program and his son acting like you know what. Which brings us to the part where he plays it off like Quincy didn't trash UM until fans attacked him on twitter. BULL****! Fans went in on both of them AFTER they were showing their asses on twitter.

Even better, he was confronted about violating FHSAA rules by stealing players from other highschools and responded by giving a non-denial denial, and taking a swipe at the other coaches job. Noah pointing out that UM allowed him to finish his degree 16 years after he left and is still doing this just puts a bow on everything. He's just a despicable human being.


I am not sure why he wasn't offered by Al Golden and that was never my problem. Problem was never ever met with Golden. EVER! When you have a child, you want the best for them. My wife and I's best was a free education to any school. That's what you wish for when they are sitting in the back seat drinking a Capri Sun without a care in the World.

He worked hard and found himself in a position where he had offers from multiple schools. I was long satisfied as a parent. I know all too well, professional football is a slim chance. An education lasts a lifetime.

So the alumni in me had a problem that with me attending multiple camps, bringing prospects to camps, talking up the Golden regime and otherwise supporting our new head coach, he nor his staff members saw it fit to have a conversation with me about a top prospect who also happened to be my son. This on the heels of passing on Skai Moore, Jordan Cunningham and MacGarrett Kings.

Jimbo Fisher did not offer Quincy Wilson but Jimbo Fisher met with us in his office. No one asked him to do that! He did so on his own accord. That man held up the Sears trophy this year.

Al did not meet with my son either and I am a heck of a lot more important than Chad Wil$on! Now that you mention it, Al totally disrespected us. I mean, I sit on several message boards all day and all night and tell everyone that the U is the best school in the world and what does it get me? Nada, zippo, zero!!!! On the other hand the HC at Bama called everyday for a whole f-ing year to tell me that they had absolutely no interest in my son. None whatsoever. But, he was a stand up guy and didn't want to dissappoint us. I guess that is why Nick is so great. While my son got free school and won 2 national championships, I still am PO's at Al. I jsut didn't know it until today...............
Man this is a more embarrassing day to be a Cane fan then getting beat down by Louisville.

Here is a chance for you to learn a lot about the process and you guys act like a woman scorned.

If you don't understand how a 17 yr old kids reacts out of frustration, its almost always immature. If you cant understand how a grown man reacts when he feels his child is being cheated out of an opportunity then you must not have kids.

The point being that its not excusable but we are all humans and situations like these get the best of us.

If you cant understand this then read this thread because you guys are acting like idiots and your not a 17 yr old kid or a father who feels his child was cheated.

There is only one way for Miami to get back on top and that's by selling the school to the South Florida kids again. When Randy got canned it brought a lot of frustration to schools and coaches and Al took the right steps to try and heal it and also fix Randy's issues with some other schools, but he is not following threw with this. You cant just have a cheap camp and think that solves everything. He needs to get out an open lines of communication and keep them open. He need to take serious interest in the local schools, there coaches and the kids of these schools regardless if he wants them in a U uni or not. We have some serious fences that need mending and we need the local community to love this staff and not be suspicious. Suspicion runs deep in the local community round here, you guys should no that. And for a White Yankee to come down here and talk the talk but not walk the walk then you can bet your sweet *** that it going to cause even more problems. The Coley hire was a god send simply because of this one factor.

Go look at Quincy's offers and you tell me that we can afford to not even talk to kids like this? a kid whose family has deep roots in this community and who has the ability to impact your image negatively. Al did the same **** thing to Ice as well.

If you take emotions out of it. This is a major issue with this administration and I would bet you that they are looking at this situations and are learning because you cant sell the school to kids when your spurning local coaches kids who have major offers. The truth is that you need to do your due diligence to communicate with people like this so things like this do not happen because recruiting is not a business transaction for both parties, it very emotional for one side and business like for the other. If your a sales man you know what that means.

If you do not take into account how word of mouth impacts your overall ability to recruit in your local area then your not handling your business very well.

if you also don't take into account how being a total douche bag of a fan in today's world where every fan can get a word into the kids then your also part of the problem.

It sucks major balls to be honest because part of our problem is most of our fans are so upset about the state of miami and they have no idea how they impact it now more than ever. Its an uphill battle and if you really care you will do your part.

I bet you Al is looking at this case and learning from it. You guys should as well unless you care more about bashing people than you do about the state of the U.

I can also tell you that Mr Wilson sounds 100xs more civil than most of the posters on this thread.

I don't like the things that went on the social media but I also hate the entire situation and think it could have been handled by both sides better. But there are no more Quincy's recruitments (only one) but Al is hopefully going to have many more so this hurts us way more than them. So we better learn and we better get better.


I agree about this being a problem. The school, staff etc cannot come out and defend themselves in a situation like this. As Chad and Quincy are protected by privacy laws. They can say whatever they want and the staff cannot defend themselves.

As a parent you do not deserve a phone call from the staff if they so choose to not recruit your kid. The recruiting business is so cut throat that there is not enough time to do that with every prospect. So your feeling being hurt need to be tamed by you in house. Not on Twitter. If I have a problem it is my job as an adult to talk to the person I have an issue with. Not talk about them from behind a keyboard. So even if they contact you, what did you want them to say? What could they have said to you that would have been ok? Nothing. You feel like your kid is UM caliber and they did not offer. This is the problem with the popular local kids, they are entitled. If you bring them in and they are not happy they will ruin your image publicly and that is obviously not worth it to the staff. Hence, your kid not getting an offer. Good luck with your team and your future. However on behalf on the posters here I would recommend you just leave. Your fighting an unfair fight and your just going to lose respect here. And you are just going to get called names etc. Which I am sure is not worth your time either.

If you have been paying attention, you would realize that I said. I had no problem as a father. UM doesn't like you as a prospect. 69 other division I schools felt the same way as they did not offer you. 50 division I schools did offer him.

My problem was as an alumni, I would think it would be wise to have a conversation with me a person who has direct access to a highly ranked prospect. **** man, I put in my blood, sweat and tears on Greentree practice field and my name is in those hallways.. At least give me that much.

Then give him a call. The phone works both ways genius. You sound like a high maintenance girlfriend.
I think if Pete's (or CIS) intention was to clear up the air with Chad Wilson it back fired. It brought more fan sympathy to AG and what he is going through recruiting in SF.
And this is an alumnus' son we evaluated and didn't recruit, which makes it all the worse.

We can all imagine, and have even seen *coughGenroncough* reactions from the street agents/handlers/advisors/mentors when they don't get coddled by the staff.

That's one thing that Pete and I will disagree on for a LONG time...the S. Florida kids who have these guys steering their recruitments aren't mature enough to do things themselves, so they get manipulated by these 3rd Parties. I think Golden's best sell would be to tell these kids directly that they want what's best for them, and part of that is shaking off some of these so-called mentors who are looking to get a leg up off of their talent.

Golden needs to focus on the kids and the families. If he has to coddle/recruit a 3rd Party in addition to them in order to land a commitment, then that **** ain't worth it...I don't care who the ballplayer is.
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