DMoney - About Malek Young . . .


Nov 4, 2011
I understand he was out encouraging the team and maybe even helping during practices? It's a hard thing that his career in playing football is over, but he seems to love football, so is there some way he can contribute while learning?

Is it a possibility - that he may continue with his education under scholarship - and become something like a Grad assistant - but not quite since he's not graduated?

I mean - learning coaching?
I understand he was out encouraging the team and maybe even helping during practices? It's a hard thing that his career in playing football is over, but he seems to love football, so is there some way he can contribute while learning?

Is it a possibility - that he may continue with his education under scholarship - and become something like a Grad assistant - but not quite since he's not graduated?

I mean - learning coaching?
I would be incredibly surprised if the remainder of his education isn't paid for until he graduates. I doubt he even count against our 85 man Football roster limits anymore since he's medically retired. Right now I wouldn't consider him a coach or anything, as he's not being payed to be out there.

He can definitely be a Graduate Assistant in the future if he wanted to, its all a matter if Richt/Diaz want to hire him after he graduates essentially. But to be a GA, you have to have a baccalaureate, but you don't need to be taking any post-grad classes. We're limited to 4 GAs who are allowed to on-field coach along with the HC and 10 assistant. All other football staff like Quality control guys are not allowed to coach on the field at practice. So basically he's going to be hanging around until he graduates, then theres the potential that anytime within 7 yrs after he graduates, he can serve as a GA. I'd bet They'd hire him.
That’s what he’s doing now. But I think he wants to get in the fashion industry when he graduates. His brand is Humble Child.
hmmm, This reminds me of that youtube channell the UCF kicker/punter or whoever he was had. And the NCAA required him to either demonitize it, remove all UCF logos/gear, or lose his scholarship....
Point is Malek Young's got a whole lot of Miami Hurricanes stuff up on there - 4 pictures. Wonder if he had that running while he was still technically playing? cause that is 100% an NCAA violation using his image as a football player to sell clothes.
not saying it should be an that he and all players shouldn't be allowed to profit off their own image, but it is against the current rules for sure.....if he had it running while still a student athlete.
hmmm, This reminds me of that youtube channell the UCF kicker/punter or whoever he was had. And the NCAA required him to either demonitize it, remove all UCF logos/gear, or lose his scholarship....
Point is Malek Young's got a whole lot of Miami Hurricanes stuff up on there - 4 pictures. Wonder if he had that running while he was still technically playing? cause that is 100% an NCAA violation using his image as a football player to sell clothes.
not saying it should be an that he and all players shouldn't be allowed to profit off their own image, but it is against the current rules for sure.....if he had it running while still a student athlete.

And of course, you’re dopey enough to point it out, even if you’re not sure.

See guys, this is why we can’t have nice things. We have porsters itchy to rat out players with broken necks, even when they’re not sure if it’s a violation.

Did you even stop to think for a second?
And of course, you’re dopey enough to point it out, even if you’re not sure.

See guys, this is why we can’t have nice things. We have porsters itchy to rat out players with broken necks, even when they’re not sure if it’s a violation.

Did you even stop to think for a second?
bruh the violation would be minimal and secondly he's medically retired. The NCAA has no control over Malek Young anymore.
And wtf you think the NCAA is out patrolling every ******* fan site? Smdh dude
hmmm, This reminds me of that youtube channell the UCF kicker/punter or whoever he was had. And the NCAA required him to either demonitize it, remove all UCF logos/gear, or lose his scholarship....
Point is Malek Young's got a whole lot of Miami Hurricanes stuff up on there - 4 pictures. Wonder if he had that running while he was still technically playing? cause that is 100% an NCAA violation using his image as a football player to sell clothes.
not saying it should be an that he and all players shouldn't be allowed to profit off their own image, but it is against the current rules for sure.....if he had it running while still a student athlete.

Seems like he's not a player anymore so it's a non issue. Also seems like the staff would have talked to him about selling shirts if it were a problem. Also, also seems like you are just saying things without thinking about them first. Or maybe you thought about it and just came to the wrong conclusion. Whatever the case, I think we can all agree that you're wrong.
bruh the violation would be minimal and secondly he's medically retired. The NCAA has no control over Malek Young anymore.
And wtf you think the NCAA is out patrolling every ******* fan site? Smdh dude

That’s not the point.

The point is you even bringing it up. Why? What are you, the secondary violations hall monitor? And no, the NCAA isn’t probably monitoring this site, but rival fans do, and while I think you’re basically full of shlt about this, if it was a real violation, you’d be a real ******* for putting it out there in public.

You know, a rat. A stool pigeon.

Why on earth is your first instinct to post it. I don’t get you fūcking people.
That’s not the point.

The point is you even bringing it up. Why? What are you, the secondary violations hall monitor? And no, the NCAA isn’t probably monitoring this site, but rival fans do, and while I think you’re basically full of shlt about this, if it was a real violation, you’d be a real ******* for putting it out there in public.

You know, a rat. A stool pigeon.

Why on earth is your first instinct to post it. I don’t get you fūcking people.
I posted that because this is a ******* Miami Hurricanes message board you ****.
You act like I'm ******* reporting someone to ICE or something lol.

...Oh my god someone posted something questioning if something is a violation of ncaa rules or not (a rule that shouldn't even exist).... let me throw a total ***** fit about it.....

I asked if that's considered a violation - I think it could be if he had it up when he was playing, but a minor one that basically doesn't matter. You're the one acting like because it was written ON A ******* MESSAGE BOARD that its the end of the world.
hmmm, This reminds me of that youtube channell the UCF kicker/punter or whoever he was had. And the NCAA required him to either demonitize it, remove all UCF logos/gear, or lose his scholarship....
Point is Malek Young's got a whole lot of Miami Hurricanes stuff up on there - 4 pictures. Wonder if he had that running while he was still technically playing? cause that is 100% an NCAA violation using his image as a football player to sell clothes.
not saying it should be an that he and all players shouldn't be allowed to profit off their own image, but it is against the current rules for sure.....if he had it running while still a student athlete.

Someone please ban this guy.
I posted that because this is a ******* Miami Hurricanes message board you ****.
You act like I'm ******* reporting someone to ICE or something lol.

...Oh my god someone posted something questioning if something is a violation of ncaa rules or not (a rule that shouldn't even exist).... let me throw a total ***** fit about it.....

I asked if that's considered a violation - I think it could be if he had it up when he was playing, but a minor one that basically doesn't matter. You're the one acting like because it was written ON A ******* MESSAGE BOARD that its the end of the world.

You're the kind of dude at a party when a wife is looking for her husband, would say, "I saw him headed down to the basement with **** McGee about an hour ago - how long you been looking for him?
You're the kind of dude at a party when a wife is looking for her husband, would say, "I saw him headed down to the basement with **** McGee about an hour ago - how long you been looking for him?
I probably wouldn't be good friends with someone I know is cheating on his wife, so I'd probably have absolutely no problem saying something like this If I was ever in that situation. Maybe if its like my brother or something I wouldn't.... As if its every guys job to be scummy and cover for cheaters, sorry not my problem.
but I guess that makes you that dude at the party that gets caught cheating and instead of feeling shame/guilt for cheating in the first place, you'd either be sorry you were caught or get upset at whoever didn't cover for you lol. Ay do you dude.
I probably wouldn't be good friends with someone I know is cheating on his wife, so I'd probably have absolutely no problem saying something like this If I was ever in that situation. Maybe if its like my brother or something I wouldn't.... As if its every guys job to be scummy and cover for cheaters, sorry not my problem.
but I guess that makes you that dude at the party that gets caught cheating and instead of feeling shame/guilt for cheating in the first place, you'd either be sorry you were caught or get upset at whoever didn't cover for you lol. Ay do you dude.

I probably wouldn't be good friends with someone I know is cheating on his wife, so I'd probably have absolutely no problem saying something like this If I was ever in that situation. Maybe if its like my brother or something I wouldn't.... As if its every guys job to be scummy and cover for cheaters, sorry not my problem.
but I guess that makes you that dude at the party that gets caught cheating and instead of feeling shame/guilt for cheating in the first place, you'd either be sorry you were caught or get upset at whoever didn't cover for you lol. Ay do you dude.

Holy shlt.

It’s the fūcking Pope of CIS.

He’s a cotdam saint. Is there a halo over your head?

Father, it’s been 18 years since my last confession, uhhh, Father Cali, please keep your hands on that side of the confessional booth....
hmmm, This reminds me of that youtube channell the UCF kicker/punter or whoever he was had. And the NCAA required him to either demonitize it, remove all UCF logos/gear, or lose his scholarship....
Point is Malek Young's got a whole lot of Miami Hurricanes stuff up on there - 4 pictures. Wonder if he had that running while he was still technically playing? cause that is 100% an NCAA violation using his image as a football player to sell clothes.
not saying it should be an that he and all players shouldn't be allowed to profit off their own image, but it is against the current rules for sure.....if he had it running while still a student athlete.

Lol, what a ******* idiot