Dishonesty of Diaz

No coach is honest. It would be stupid to be honest, they call it coach speak for a reason. None of this would matter if we were good.
“So he prioritized a player that did X better, that player got hurt so the team doesn’t focus on X as much”

That’s called an adjustment not a lie. My problem would be prioritizing X in the first place.

It’s so annoying when fans makes this so personal. A bad coach can just be a bad coach. Y’all try to make these guys out to be bond villains
Tell me you’re 65 without telling me you’re 65.

how bout I tell you I sold $5,000 dogs to people alll across the world and using instagram to market them and just for business in general was 5x the pain in the *** that fb was

but sure, follow your "cool" trends I guess.. enjoy your 15-0 purple hair and your 0-15 skinny jeans