Dionte Mullins...Gone

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since there has been no statement by richt or UM, and there usually has been in the past, I assume he's still on the team.
Should go to FAU, it would make sense. Lots of people busted their asses to get him here and he quits.
haha CaneShades radio taking major L's


So how is our boy Pete gunna respond. or is not response gunna be the response. Lol
haha CaneShades radio taking major L's


So how is our boy Pete gunna respond. or is not response gunna be the response. Lol

Ummm.... "Stay in yo lane"???
haha CaneShades radio taking major L's


So how is our boy Pete gunna respond. or is not response gunna be the response. Lol
Ummm.... "Stay in yo lane"???
Whis this "shady canes guy"?.. And why he got issues w/ Pete? Sounds like he got issues ..period!
It's a win for both sides. He can play at a smaller school and maybe get noticed by nfl scouts one day/ty Hilton kinda?idk
I wish this young man no ill-will but I do think this will be a decision he'll regret years later on...
I finally got around to watching the Va Tech game video last night. There was a moment when UM scored a touchdown, I think it was when we went up 21-10. They showed the team celebrating on the sideline. Right before it cuts to commercial you can see Mullins sitting on the bench just stewing in anger. It sort of brought all of these tweets and message board posts to life for me, a little bit.

Best of luck to him. I hope can get on with another program and finish his degree.
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