Diaz stops Wed. practice at one point for lack of effort, talks McCloud redshirt

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He’s got to take away the turnover chains, TD rings, stop the dancing and celebrating bull**** on the sidelines.

He’s gotta let go of the idea of Miami football that’s in his head and that is from the past and instill Fundamental, sound football.

Fun should not be allowed when you’re 2-2. He also has to reevaluate the types of players we recruit. Need more Osborne’s on the team. He needs to completely overhaul the program from top to bottom. I don’t know if he knows it but he should now
One thing you have to remember, this is still a game. Players should have fun. You can be a tough guy but there's got to be a payoff at the end of the road for them to buy in. The fun has to be redirected from dancing for some stupid trinkets to dancing on a team's logo after a win or better yet after winning the Coastal.
its call being accountable.

He gets the credit if he wins...he just has to do it.

No, that's not accountability. It's hypocrisy. No matter what he does, even if we can find that Saban and Swinney have done the same things, you guys are going to rip Manny. He stops practice and shreds the team? Meh, he should have done it sooner. You've already decided that he's at fault.
One thing you have to remember, this is still a game. Players should have fun. You can be a tough guy but there's got to be a payoff at the end of the road for them to buy in. The fun has to be redirected from dancing for some stupid trinkets to dancing on a team's logo after a win or better yet after winning the Coastal.

Truth. The "fun should not be allowed" thing is not the least bit realistic.
Start taking playing time away from guys it’s that simple
I dont think it is that simple. My guess is the guys getting playing time are probably working harder than some sh*tbags. The problem becomes at some point, youre gonna need the sh*tbags to fight too, and they can just wait it out for an injury, or they just transfer etc. Great coaches dont just let dudes fail, they get the best out of everyone.
No, that's not accountability. It's hypocrisy. No matter what he does, even if we can find that Saban and Swinney have done the same things, you guys are going to rip Manny. He stops practice and shreds the team? Meh, he should have done it sooner. You've already decided that he's at fault.

It is this attitude that leads you to these misconceptions.

Read by other post about moving forward. Still doe not mean you get a pass for your past.

One good act today does not remove my poor performance all month long. You seem to think it is unreasonable for me to be blamed for my poor performance if it is more than a day old and i did something great today.

Manny has to accept the the bad and the good. Win and all the complaints go away.
Only so much the coaches can do it. As a football player and a competitor you have got to want to play with an edge at some point. The great ones shouldn’t NEED to be pushed to want to do well.
Very few 18 and 19 have that natural ability, and even guys who are 23 learned it from someone. It starts with the character and leadership of the HC.
I agree, the fake hype on the sideline,td rings looks forced at this point and needs to stop at imo.

Agree 100%. There is a reason that the turnover chain created such hysteria when it was introduced in 2017: it was creative, it was new, and WE WERE WINNING.

That's what made it fun, and made it a story. Now none of the above apply.
Coaching and leadership allow this stuff to happen. This didn’t just appear today. Guys don’t decide on a whim, they don’t wanna give effort on a random Wednesday. This is an on going thing and I guess Manny finally wanted to let the media know about it
Man in the old days you would get your *** whooped if you half assed it at practice. Jack

Joaquin, Reed, Luis, Irvin , Vilma, any of those guys would’ve worked your *** for not given 100%.

Where are our dogs at? Where are the guys who don’t care about feelings that want to win? Who are the leaders of this team to hold other kids accountable get in their face and knocked her head around?

This team is a bunch of ******* pussies .want to change the culture take off the gloves and let some of these true dogs take control.

This **** just makes me ****ed and sick to my stomach. This is not the school I graduated from.
Manny’s D should be cultured by now he has been molding them for 4 years. Still can’t get them to complete. Sad. Maybe by year 8 or 9 he can get his guys to compete.
I've said this for years, we've recruited mentally soft, low football IQ guys since Randy was here. We can out-athlete/talent anyone we play but so many of these kids crash and burns when the lights come on Saturday.

I know you all don’t want to hear it but Butch Davis had the perfect formula for finding talent along with the right attitude. His genius was being able to find players that were physically gifted but lacked the ***** gene.
He loaded the locker room with these alphas and they figured **** out. There was no self-cannibalizing... just the emergence of true leaders.
The players aren’t stupid. They know what corches look like. It starts at the top.

Stop allowing your OC and DC to put your players at a disadvantage from the whistle. If you don’t have the cojones to set the law down with your coaches, how the **** do you expect the players to respect you, Manolo?

Stop trying to be likable and bust out the whooping stick. At this point it’s “**** or get off the pot” time.
This isnt all coaching staff these guys are ******* cancerous and Im done giving them free passes. Its disgraceful to have hoe as kids acting like this at a school where so many literal legends that have done so much to impact the game have attended. Embarrassing.
For a young dude you get it. This is most definitely not Juaquin and the guys getting together outside of practice to better themselves...
I'll just add one thing here.

Not saying this is the case but

sometimes players don't play hard when they don't buy into the HC or the staff

If that's the case, there's no solution short of new coaches.

I'll wait right here and see the season unfold to see what the ****'s going on out there.
Anyone who knows what it takes to lead a team - in sports, business, etc.....knows one truth:
The team will mirror the leaders passion and commitment toward achieving whatever goal is set. At times that team will even mirror the leaders attitude - but attitude can't be taught, just copied. So to a degree - what we see from the team is a reflection of the leader.
Manny’s D should be cultured by now he has been molding them for 4 years. Still can’t get them to complete. Sad. Maybe by year 8 or 9 he can get his guys to compete.
It can be difficult if the man in charge has a country club attitude. Sometimes its the failure that wakes the troops up and gets them to listen. Now he should have their complete attention, we'll see what happens against VT. He cant keep these guys yoyoing though. Good effort against UF, bad against NC, then they think they did something good against a HS team?
The players only do what they feel they can get away with.

People have this fervent need to want to attack players, but players play & Coaches coach, the responsibility lies with the coaches to get the players to respect practice & give maximum effort. If guys aren't practicing hard it's because the people responsible for keeping them in line haven't done their job.

You think Saban, Dabo, or Lincoln Riley has to pull teeth to get guys to fall in line & practice hard? No, because those players know if they don't they won't see the field & will be immediately disciplined & replaced.

Our fans think Chidlren are supposed to raise themselves while parents sit back & take credit for it, don't work that way... If your kid is bad, it's because you didn't raise'em right, it's really that simple.
You think Dabo and the coaches you mentioned did it in 9 months?

Also it’s on the players to want to be great and work hard. With Great players the Motivation comes from within not contrived by an outside source. If you need someone to motivate you your already a lost cause.

We’re missing an Al Blades who would whoop your *** I’d you did t go all out. We need Nesta to start cracking some heads if dudes slack.