Diaz now a candidate for TEMPLE

The people that want MR fired (me being one of them) this doesnt matter to me cause when Marks fired Diaz has to go anyway. There not going to keep anyone from Mark staff coaching transitions rarely work that way

Huh? If you were a Fortune 500 board member, you would fire the nations best salesman if you replaced the Vice President of sales?

If you were a board member that was in the minority by a large margin, and there was no chance you were going to vote out the VP of sales, you wouldn’t care if your best salesman left the company? You wouldn’t want to offer him stuff to try and keep him? Who are you going to replace him with - do you have any other salesman nearly as capable?

I don’t understand the logic here. Do you think if the board eventually sees what you already see, and replaces the VP of sales, the new VP is going to be able run the most successful department without the best salesman? Genuinely curious about what your “best case scenario” looks like.