Darrell Langham and Trayone update by Ryan Bartow.

Who cares where someone went to school? If you're a Canes fan, you're family. If you're not a Canes fan, **** you, **** off, go die.
SOmebody PM me when hes in uniform... Im ridin with Pete... Ive been wrong about other guys getting in also like Aldarius Johnson. Ill tell you this if he gets in and doesnt get flagged by the clearing house... that means they take things on a case by case basis... and that there is no format for the madness..because I have had a student athlete in almost the same exact scenario that Gray is in get flagged by clearing house 2 years ago
For []_[]:
@mattyports: Golden says he expects Gray and Langham "tomorrow." #Canes

he will get flagged and should get in. standard
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Getting them to practice is one thing, getting them to stay at school beyond labor day is a whole 'nother ball of wax.


Antonio Reynolds
Getting them to practice is one thing, getting them to stay at school beyond labor day is a whole 'nother ball of wax.


Antonio Reynolds

You picked one guy from 12 years ago as your reason to get people to calm down? Even vern would think that was a stretch.
Getting them to practice is one thing, getting them to stay at school beyond labor day is a whole 'nother ball of wax.


Antonio Reynolds

You picked one guy from 12 years ago as your reason to get people to calm down? Even vern would think that was a stretch.

He's not the only one. He just happens to be the one that got flagged the latest. Several guys have gotten flagged in July/Aug. I'd have to dig through the memory banks but they're there.
Gus Edwards got pulled out of practice last year waiting for the NCAA. Orlando Franklin took summer classes then got a late August denial by NCAA. Kevin Grooms was denied late Aug too I believe.

Fingers crossed, but things take until the last minute sometimes, and being on campus doesn't necessarily means it's a done deal yet.
Funny how it has gone from "he'll never step foot on campus" to "the clearinghouse will get him". Next it'll be "he'll never stay more than 3 years".

Disirregardless of pessimism disguised as cautious optimism, I'm still wondering how the NCAA Clearinghouse flags a kid from a public high school without having to accuse someone at said high school of fraud.
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Gus Edwards got pulled out of practice last year waiting for the NCAA. Orlando Franklin took summer classes then got a late August denial by NCAA. Kevin Grooms was denied late Aug too I believe.

Fingers crossed, but things take until the last minute sometimes, and being on campus doesn't necessarily means it's a done deal yet.

This. Many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.




We could all still be...

Funny how it has gone from "he'll never step foot on campus" to "the clearinghouse will get him". Next it'll be "he'll never stay more than 3 years".

Disirregardless of pessimism disguised as cautious optimism, I'm still wondering how the NCAA Clearinghouse flags a kid from a public high school without having to accuse someone at said high school of fraud.
#1 reason a kid gets flagged is when you take an Achievment test and their is a big jump in scores... Lets say you take SAT you get a 690 first time then you get 1090 it will get flagged...

Or lets say you get take the SAT dont get a good score then you take ACT and pass..you can get flagged

You can also get flagged if you have a 2.3 gpa and then get a crazy ACT score if you only took it once

ALso recently Online classes have gotten better and more reliable ..but ive seen kids get flagged for getting F's in English and Math then retaking them online and getting A's.. I teach an online ALgebra class through FVS also and weve been lectured on it

My advice to all kids..dont take the SAT take the ACT... DOnt go from F's in core courses to online A's although this is not as much a factor as it used to be..

The lower your GPA the more likely your test score wll be flagged...Themore online courses you take to make up credits..the morelikely you get flagged..You take an online course in the 11th hour the summer after your senior year? Oh yea you probably getting reviewed..

But like Boar said sometimes tests get flagged/reviewed by NCAA and they still let them in
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Funny how it has gone from "he'll never step foot on campus" to "the clearinghouse will get him". Next it'll be "he'll never stay more than 3 years".

Disirregardless of pessimism disguised as cautious optimism, I'm still wondering how the NCAA Clearinghouse flags a kid from a public high school without having to accuse someone at said high school of fraud.
#1 reason a kid gets flagged is when you take an Achievment test and their is a big jump in scores... Lets say you take SAT you get a 690 first time then you get 1090 it will get flagged...

Or lets say you get take the SAT dont get a good score then you take ACT and pass..you can get flagged

You can also get flagged if you have a 2.3 gpa and then get a crazy ACT score if you only took it once

ALso recently Online classes have gotten better and more reliable ..but ive seen kids get flagged for getting F's in English and Math then retaking them online and getting A's.. I teach an online ALgebra class through FVS also and weve been lectured on it

My advice to all kids..dont take the SAT take the ACT... DOnt go from F's in core courses to online A's although this is not as much a factor as it used to be..

The lower your GPA the more likely your test score wll be flagged...

But like Boar said sometimes tests get flagged by NCAA and they still let them in

Sounds a little like a flag in a lot of those instances would be another case of "guilty until proven innocent" and would be pretty susceptible to a legal challenge. Especially if you were able to introduce all the $EC and Marshall type kids that weren't flagged. Again, this is all coming down to the NCAA basically accusing someone (the kid directly or a test proctor) or something (an actual high school) of fraud. Seems like something like a "flag" isn't sufficient if that's the allegation they're half-a$$edly making. These extremely shady diploma mills are one thing but if a kid has a public school transcipt that isn't muddied with 42 different prior transfers and a SAT or ACT score then these NCAA clowns shouldn't have a say in the matter. Otherwise law enforcement in that particular state needs to get involved if they have the balls to say public school officials/teachers are fudging transcripts.
Funny how it has gone from "he'll never step foot on campus" to "the clearinghouse will get him". Next it'll be "he'll never stay more than 3 years".

Disirregardless of pessimism disguised as cautious optimism, I'm still wondering how the NCAA Clearinghouse flags a kid from a public high school without having to accuse someone at said high school of fraud.
#1 reason a kid gets flagged is when you take an Achievment test and their is a big jump in scores... Lets say you take SAT you get a 690 first time then you get 1090 it will get flagged...

Or lets say you get take the SAT dont get a good score then you take ACT and pass..you can get flagged

You can also get flagged if you have a 2.3 gpa and then get a crazy ACT score if you only took it once

ALso recently Online classes have gotten better and more reliable ..but ive seen kids get flagged for getting F's in English and Math then retaking them online and getting A's.. I teach an online ALgebra class through FVS also and weve been lectured on it

My advice to all kids..dont take the SAT take the ACT... DOnt go from F's in core courses to online A's although this is not as much a factor as it used to be..

The lower your GPA the more likely your test score wll be flagged...

But like Boar said sometimes tests get flagged by NCAA and they still let them in

Sounds a little like a flag in a lot of those instances would be another case of "guilty until proven innocent" and would be pretty susceptible to a legal challenge. Especially if you were able to introduce all the $EC and Marshall type kids that weren't flagged. Again, this is all coming down to the NCAA basically accusing someone (the kid directly or a test proctor) or something (an actual high school) of fraud. Seems like something like a "flag" isn't sufficient if that's the allegation they're half-a$$edly making. These extremely shady diploma mills are one thing but if a kid has a public school transcipt that isn't muddied with 42 different prior transfers and a SAT or ACT score then these NCAA clowns shouldn't have a say in the matter. Otherwise law enforcement in that particular state needs to get involved if they have the balls to say public school officials/teachers are fudging transcripts.

I dont really know the difference between schools and conferences and why certain kids can get into certain schools and not others. All I know is why kids from Miami get flagged...Transfers are not a problem at all as long as its the same county and its public schools..
Looking like Gray to start out as a RB according to Golden. That's the position I really wanted to see him at. Hope he balls out.