Dan Enos had saban heated

First of all, anybody claiming money for Bama's staff leaving needs to stop right now. They have unlimited funds as evidence by their long list of "specialists" on their payroll. Every unemployed big name coach was cashing an Alabama check this season. They have money to pay bum *** Butch Jones, they can easily match whatever Miami offered Enos.

enos wanted to leave Saban. it came down to UGA and UM for him. money wasnt keeping him in bama
Biggest surprise was the DC leaving for an NFL position coach job. Unless he knew Saban was going to demote him. He was making $1.2M, so unless the NFL pays DL coaches more than I think he’s taking a major pay cut.

Gattis came from Penn State, so returning to the Big 10 makes sense.

I do like Enos bailing on Saban without much, if any, notice.
Saban has won doing it his way after the Clemson loss he did say he was going back to more power run.saban probably used the old line it's my way or the highway.we've seen saban and kiffin get into it on the sidelines over kiffins playcalling.I think these current assistants decided to leave instead of butting heads with saban on the sidelines.maybe trying to avoid career suicide if saban fires them mid season.that's why he hires those consultants he probably tells his assistants do it my way if you don't I've already got your replacement here.
Love it. I really feel bad for Saban. He would never publicly state over and over again that he wasn’t taken a certain job only to leave for that job in the middle of the night
Saban has always treated his assistants like ****. He is a scumbag. Ask somebody about the time he called Muschamps parents and went off on them bc he couldn't find their son .
Seriously? Come on, really? So Muscballs was an adult and Saban called his rentals? College head coaches in all sports are ego maniacs but that is strange ranger.
He said that Enos has a bad rep of leaving teams at the spur of the moment but he should fit right in with Diaz cause Diaz does the same thing
Are you friggin kidding me? What the fvck do you think Saban did to get the Alabaga job. Not only did he leave an NFL team at spur of the moment, the SOB Lied about not becoming the new Baga coach on camera in front of press...
To all the satan slurpers....He was a collosal failure as an NFL coach...that ******* sucks.
You must've missed it, but this is nothing new for him. He has the highest coaching turnover rate in college football. The thing that's different than say our staff turnover, his aren't fired, they are hired away for more money.

Enos, more money, but perhaps the Tide would've beat or matched it or bettered it. Some may say it was a personality conflict, but he had already interviewed potential offesive staff members with Saban. The only thing that makes people leave like that is money.

Locksley, coordinator to head coach. Better position on paper and more money.

Gattis, he almost doubled his salary and will be working with Harbaugh.

Lupoi, the Clemson game combined with early struggles (by Tide standards) is the only one on the hot seat or in jeopardy of a pink slip. He got out while he could when Kitchens came calling. Salary cut, but not sure how much as I couldn't find his contact numbers.

So I'm not sure where I see where the getting the **** out of dodge is besides Lupoi. They left, like those before them, for greener pastures in the form of cold hard currency, green currency.

Sounded good until you realize he has 2 former um coaches currently on roster. And had Cristobal b4 then
Have to imagine something behind the scenes happened for all of these guys to bounce?

He's always had high turnover on his staff.
When he left Michigan State for l$u and had his first presser in Baton Rouge, he said he was
going to bring his MSU staff.
He sent plane to East Lansing and if I recall, none of his MSU assistants followed him.
Albeit, eventually some of his former MSU assistants like Stoutland and Bobby Williams ended up at
But I think that's just the way he rolls and in some ways it allows him to keep fresh blood in his staff.
I don't think he likes lifers.
He's an a-hole, but he draws good assistants because he has alot of budget to throw around and assistant
coaches want to put it in their resume that they worked under him.
Having said this, I do hope this is different for him, and in a bad way.
Was waiting for someone to say this. Alabaga is Dabo's alma mater. It would be illegal for Clem$on to chain Dabo to the uprights and "not let him leave". There may be some fatigue setting in at Baga with the boosters, the fans, the assistants and support staff, but don't get it twisted. Clemson is running along nicely right now, but no one. Not anyone. Runs a football cartel like Baga runs a football cartel. Where the **** do you think Dabo learned and the Tiggers learned it from

So tired of the bama over hyping on this board. Bama is Dabo alma mater so of course he's going to listen to them, but there have been plenty of coaches who have turned down their alma mater to stay somewhere that they felt they've built something. including the assshat we just got rid of who turned us down multiple times to stay at Georgia. **** Bobby turned down the mighty Bama football cartell so why couldn't Dabo. People act like Bama wasn't dog ***** for basically two decades when the cartel had trash coaches like Dubose, Fran, and baby Shula. Also let's not forget how the football cartel basically lucked into Saban because Rich Rod turned them do to stay at West Virginia lmao. Once Saban is done Bama will fall back to the pack.

Also *** Danny Kanell *****ass daddy for ***ing over the dolphins and opening the door for Bama to luck into their back up choice as their program savior.
It would honestly be the best thing for college football.

Personally, I’m tired of the soulless, corporate 5-stars in the four-deep teams he has created with the help of millions of dollars in payola for athletes and their families, funneled through secret boosters and foundations who maintain an omertà-like silence.

I’m not denigrating what he’s done as a coach, because he is the best coach in college football, right now.

But you cannot deny the fact that he’s done it by having an incredible talent advantage over anyone else, so much so, it’s not even close.

In addition to the talent advantage, his revenue advantage is significant. In other words, they have a shlt load of money to spend on resources, off-field assistants, recruiters, support personnel, administrators, and coach-consultants

He should actually be winning the national championship every year, just on talent alone, and it shouldn’t even be close.
Absolutely! I’ve longed maintained that Saban has actually underperformed when you look at how large of a talent gap exists between him and almost every other team. Alabama should have had numerous undefeated seasons and strings of national championships, yet almost without fail he manages to lose one game that he shouldn’t per year.

Since recruiting is part of the resume, Saban is amongst the best ever. But Dabo is a better game day coach. He’s done more with far less. Saban...on paper...has almost twice as many four and five star players as Dabo has.
Seriously? Come on, really? So Muscballs was an adult and Saban called his rentals? College head coaches in all sports are ego maniacs but that is strange ranger.
True Story.
