Cristobal and perception


@Cribby help me with something —
I’ve read the “I talked to a Golden Cane” and they are so fed up they went right back to swimming in their money bin and did jack **** about anything — or something like

The basketball teams baseball team and football team should speak for themselves when the big money players say Blake has to go….

What are people waiting for? What’s the resistance?

I wish there was a way for us to really know the answer to this question. Because there's no way in my mind that people influential enough to be on the BOT of the University of Miami and who have been able to make piles upon piles of money are really OK with the athletics department wasting millions on top of millions of dollars for the better part of last 20 years. It just makes no sense to me. How are they so smart (or maybe right place right time) in life but yet have no ability to understand that athletics at the University of Miami is a big part of the brand?
Man its not about defending Manny. He wasn't even my choice when he got hired and I couldn't care less if he got fired tomorrow if the next guy wins.

Just answer me this. Have Mario come here and replicate his exact accomplishments here. Are you seriously telling me the same chuckleheads clamoring for him today wouldn't be wanting his head 2 seconds after Fresno State tied the score in the fourth quarter last Saturday?

"How the **** do you lose to Cal and Oregon State back to back?? Mario's guys are soft and he can't get theme ready"

"Mario got schooled by Campbell and barely beat Fresno ******* State as a three TD favorite!!!"

"He made a guy tearing up the NFL look average!"

"He backed into the P12 championship and beat a **** USC team!"

That's why it's impossible for me to take most of these guys serious. They see only what they want to see.
But you always do defend him no matter what. Thats why i normally don’t mix it up with you about staff issues.

I got mocked by you and some others ( I know who you are ) when I said there was issues with favoritism with the wr’s. Yet I guaranteed you that Pope and Wiggins reps will look dramatically different this year because of possible issues going forward. Now let’s go look at their snaps so far.

Its nothing personal and j get it , I just know your stance before knowing your stance.
But you always do defend him no matter what. Thats why i normally don’t mix it up with you about staff issues.

I got mocked by you and some others ( I know who you are ) when I said there was issues with favoritism with the wr’s. Yet I guaranteed you that Pope and Wiggins reps will look dramatically different this year because of possible issues going forward. Now let’s go look at their snaps so far.

Its nothing personal and j get it , I just know your stance before knowing your stance.

Don't remember any disagreements on WR. I always though their roles would decrease, same with Cam at RB.

Regardless, you know what I'm saying about how Mario would be treated here is accurate.
Don't remember any disagreements on WR. I always though their roles would decrease, same with Cam at RB.

Regardless, you know what I'm saying about how Mario would be treated here is accurate.
I posted there was favoritism issues and guys would leave if it’s not fixed . I also said watch pope and Wiggins pt this year because of it. I posted that all off-season , even though folks didnt believe it.

You and a couple others mocked the whole favoritism thing after that. It was a running joke for yall. I even responded one time people “like my info until they don’t like it“. It’s all good , I’m just saying. Thats why I normally refrain from debating this stuff with some of y’all. It’s a waste.
I wish there was a way for us to really know the answer to this question. Because there's no way in my mind that people influential enough to be on the BOT of the University of Miami and who have been able to make piles upon piles of money are really OK with the athletics department wasting millions on top of millions of dollars for the better part of last 20 years. It just makes no sense to me. How are they so smart (or maybe right place right time) in life but yet have no ability to understand that athletics at the University of Miami is a big part of the brand?
They only care when embarrassed. Golden was only fired after losing 58-0 on national TV. Had he lost 45-20 he’d have kept his job, maybe another season. He needed to hit rock bottom. Manny hasn’t, not yet. He’d need a bad, bad loss or a 4/5 win season this year.

The BOT, on average, is fine with 8/9 win seasons, maybe win a bowl, if there is an occasional 10/11 win ACC Coastal or Conference title.

The notion of being elite, winning the ACC for 5-6-7 years straight, making the CFP, and God forbid a NC is for message boards.

If there are BOT members or boosters wanting to be elite they either have no power or not willing or able to put their money on the table.
They only care when embarrassed. Golden was only fired after losing 58-0 on national TV. Had he lost 45-20 he’d have kept his job, maybe another season. He needed to hit rock bottom. Manny hasn’t, not yet. He’d need a bad, bad loss or a 4/5 win season this year.

The BOT, on average, is fine with 8/9 win seasons, maybe win a bowl, if there is an occasional 10/11 win ACC Coastal or Conference title.

The notion of being elite, winning the ACC for 5-6-7 years straight, making the CFP, and God forbid a NC is for message boards.

If there are BOT members or boosters wanting to be elite they either have no power or not willing or able to put their money on the table.

I think there is also the reality that schools like Texas and USC that have crazy amounts of money fail just as much. Might as well stick with one guy for the long haul (at least 6 years) instead of starting over every 3-4 years. If you are a businessperson like many on the BOT and you know that odds of failure are about the same whether you spend 5.5 million on a coach every 4 years and pay multi million dollar buyouts over and over again or just stick with one coach and hope he turns it around. Financially it doesn't make sense to just keep throwing money away on any coach not named Saban or Meyer.

As had been pointed out ad naseum, how many Clemson fans do you think supported bringing Dabo back after a 6 win season in year 4? You think he'd earned the benefit of the doubt? Conversely, how many Miami fans would have protested giving Larry Coker a 10 year contract and a massive raise after year 3? He won a title, got robbed of a second, and then went 11-2 in year 3. That may be the best start to a career in the history of cfb. Schiano is another good example, he had four losing seasons in a row until going 11-2 in year 5. History suggests it is best to wait until year 5 to see whether a coach's master plan has worked or not. I very much doubt Diaz's master plan will work, but I'm trying to look at it from the perspective of a businessman on the BOT.

Personally I was very much against the Diaz hire. Why would you think the answer to a failed regime is a coach from that failed regime? This is not like Oklahoma hiring Riley from their staff after years of sustained success. Let's say Miami hired Cristobal in 2018 and Diaz goes to Temple. Cristobal flops while Diaz wins a couple conference championships. Would fans riot if Miami brought back Diaz in 2023? I don't think so because he would have taken off his coaching training wheels at a G5 and has shown he may be capable of bigger and better things. Diaz is learning how to be a HC on the job, which is simply not something the program could tolerate after more than 15 years of futility.
Pre Mario as HC Rankings.
2013. 19
2014. 21
2015. 16
2016. 27
2017. 19

Mario as HC
18. 13
19. 7
20. 11

Like I said you’re ignorant , which is nothing new. Before you son somebody know your *** from a hole in the ground. I guess that Nike money came in in 2018? Or mayne Mario took over , he’s considered one of the best recruiters in the country and hardest workers on the trail. They went from being a top 20-25 recruiting program to one of the best recruiting programs .

Stop being ignorant son.
I agree with your point, but Oregon used to recruit players to fit a system which didn't translate to class rankings.
Pre Mario as HC Rankings.
2013. 19
2014. 21
2015. 16
2016. 27
2017. 19

Mario as HC
18. 13
19. 7
20. 11

Like I said you’re ignorant , which is nothing new. Before you son somebody know your *** from a hole in the ground. I guess that Nike money came in in 2018? Or mayne Mario took over , he’s considered one of the best recruiters in the country and hardest workers on the trail. They went from being a top 20-25 recruiting program to one of the best recruiting programs .

Stop being ignorant son.

Mario is an elite recruiter, period. Have you ever been to Eugene? It's a one-horse town, full of hippies, soaked in cold rain, 8 months per year, plus they get no media coverage on the west coast. To draw kids to Eugene, not just from sunny CA but from all over the US, is truly remarkable. Remember when Jacory Harris was considering Oregon? We all laughed at the possibility.
I think there is also the reality that schools like Texas and USC that have crazy amounts of money fail just as much. Might as well stick with one guy for the long haul (at least 6 years) instead of starting over every 3-4 years. If you are a businessperson like many on the BOT and you know that odds of failure are about the same whether you spend 5.5 million on a coach every 4 years and pay multi million dollar buyouts over and over again or just stick with one coach and hope he turns it around. Financially it doesn't make sense to just keep throwing money away on any coach not named Saban or Meyer.

As had been pointed out ad naseum, how many Clemson fans do you think supported bringing Dabo back after a 6 win season in year 4? You think he'd earned the benefit of the doubt? Conversely, how many Miami fans would have protested giving Larry Coker a 10 year contract and a massive raise after year 3? He won a title, got robbed of a second, and then went 11-2 in year 3. That may be the best start to a career in the history of cfb. Schiano is another good example, he had four losing seasons in a row until going 11-2 in year 5. History suggests it is best to wait until year 5 to see whether a coach's master plan has worked or not. I very much doubt Diaz's master plan will work, but I'm trying to look at it from the perspective of a businessman on the BOT.

Personally I was very much against the Diaz hire. Why would you think the answer to a failed regime is a coach from that failed regime? This is not like Oklahoma hiring Riley from their staff after years of sustained success. Let's say Miami hired Cristobal in 2018 and Diaz goes to Temple. Cristobal flops while Diaz wins a couple conference championships. Would fans riot if Miami brought back Diaz in 2023? I don't think so because he would have taken off his coaching training wheels at a G5 and has shown he may be capable of bigger and better things. Diaz is learning how to be a HC on the job, which is simply not something the program could tolerate after more than 15 years of futility.
Dabo went 6-7 in Year 3, but 9-5 the year before. Also, 5 of the Year 3 regular season loses were by 10 points or less. So Dabo’s argument could have been “We’re this close“.

I agree though, some may feel spending $5.5M/yr on a HC makes no sense if the ROI isn’t there. Spend $4M/yr, be ‘competitive’, and collect conference TV money.

Then there’s the ‘elite programs bring in other revenue….donations….blah blah blah’. This may be true but the school as whole needs a collective pro-athletics vision. Miami doesn’t have and has never had such leadership.

The program needs to get lucky with the right hire, and spend enough to retain him, or have an epiphany that money spent wisely on successful athletics can benefit the University. Or, a befactor donating enough money they won’t say no.
Man its not about defending Manny. He wasn't even my choice when he got hired and I couldn't care less if he got fired tomorrow if the next guy wins.

Just answer me this. Have Mario come here and replicate his exact accomplishments here. Are you seriously telling me the same chuckleheads clamoring for him today wouldn't be wanting his head 2 seconds after Fresno State tied the score in the fourth quarter last Saturday?

"How the **** do you lose to Cal and Oregon State back to back?? Mario's guys are soft and he can't get team ready!"

"Mario got schooled by Campbell and barely beat Fresno ******* State as a three TD favorite after losing to two **** teams!!!"

"He made a guy tearing up the NFL look average!"

"He backed into the P12 championship and beat a **** USC team!"

That's why it's impossible for me to take most of these guys serious. They see only what they want to see.
It’s killing you that Mario keeps on winning.Yet another topic that you’re wrong on, again. Time to give it up doofus.
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Question for the board, so Oregon beats OSU on the road and everyone is crowning Cristobal. However, the week before they barely beat Fresno State at home 31-24. Thoughts on this? I know a lot of people would take Cristobal here in a heartbeat (including me), but you know this board would have been killing him for that week 1 score.
OSU is down this year. They beat a meh a Minnesota team but struggled. This will look less impressive at the end of the year, but it's still a nice win.
Miami has been SOFT for seemingly 20 years now. We started at the Coker Country Club and we're now at whatever the fvck Diaz is doing.

We can put 99% of this on the coaches. But at some point, and at some level, players need to be held accountable, too. How many times do we need to see 4th and 5th year safeties bite on rudimentary play calling leaving open receivers downfield because they were the held? How many veteran linebackers do we need to see arm tackle in the open field? How many offensive linemen do we see just sit there allowing a defender to come in clean on a RB? How many dropped passes do we need to see from our WRs on some run of the mill smoke routes?

It seems no one really takes this **** seriously anymore. Its intramurals, brother.

ITS BIG12 FOOTBALL!! (***Dan Hawkins voice***)

You know when it all crystalized for me (and I'll take credit for coming up with the Coker Country Club of Coral Gables, way back when), was in the off-season before 04. Tyrone Moss has a really nice freshman season, but then comes into the spring like 25 pounds too heavy

Coach Soldinger got on his *** publicly. And then Coker proceeded to scold Solly. I was flabbergasted, but I shouldn't have been. I had chance to talk to Coach Sol about it, he wasn't happy about the whole thing. There was a real football guy who wasn't going to lie about this stuff.

That's when I knew something had gone awry.

The elite programs are rewarding for their players -- but they are not necessarily easy on them, either.

Im hearing more and more stuff about the.... uhhhh, casual way in which are players approach things. Let's just say Im more than a tad alarmed. Im officially done with even caring that much anymore, at this point. ( I mean, lets be real, I'll always be a die-hard fan, I dont know any better, its just a part of who I am at this point, lol) But it will be different till we get new management in charge over there

THere's a reason why Alonzo Highsmith wasn't given that gig. He wouldnt stomach this garbage.
Manny won't get fired this year and with the current contract Mario has, he isn't realistic until maybe next year or the year after. Mario signed a pretty nice deal 2 years ago that runs thru 2025 I believe