Corn Elder laughs at "South Florida" talent

South Florida is the hottest recruiting bed for talent = true.
Top recruits out of South Florida are always better than their position counterparts from other areas of the country = false.
He and Gunter should be the starting corners. I know it's not popular among the local folks here, but those two are the best corners on the team.
Thanks to the out of state weirdos for weighing in on the most talented area for football talent on earth.

Get back to me after you browse the rosters from Alabama, Auburn, Oregon, and Oklahoma. Thanks.

is South Florida the most fertile recruiting grounds in the country or not?

leave it to a ***** named Antwan to miss the whole fuggin point

you are proof of stereotypes

LMAO. What stereotype would that be? Please, PLEASE, tell me that you're another guy who fell for the screen name.
shutup, dumb scumbag
is South Florida the most fertile recruiting grounds in the country or not?

To address your point, there is no such thing as "fertile recruiting grounds" when there are no geographic limitations to recruiting. You want the BEST quarterback in America? He's not from South Florida. The BEST linebacker in America? Not from South Florida. And we could go through every position and make the same claim.

Florida State is riding on the shoulders of a kid from Alabama. Oklahoma barely leaves OK and TX. Oregon flies past us with west and northwest kids. You guys can stay stuck on Miami-Dade kids who play streetball, but the elite programs are saying "no thanks, we're good".
Will do, then I'll double back around and tell every NFL front office they got it wrong, the city of Miami should not be producing the most players in their league, and to drop everyone born here immediately. Thanks for the homework. I just hope I can warn them before it's too late.

When you join us here in the future, you will realize that the bulk of Miami-based NFL players came from here in the early 2000's. We can't recruit those people anymore. If you cared about using relevant statistics, you would accept my challenge and look at the rosters of the best college teams in America. They couldn't care less about South Florida.
Lol ok he's not laughing at South Florida talent. South Florida has the best talent across the nation. It's about Miami keeping that talent in Miami. Cooper, Michel, Collins, OL at Arkansas ( cant think of his name right now) are kids we need to keep in Miami. Elder is just a really talented football player. He's very intelligent and tough so he's always in position to make plays. I cant remember a time I've seen him out of position during a play. He just needs to keep adding (good) weight and he will be a big time CB for us. Did anyone else notice Gunter was playing Safety on 3rd down? I like this because he has range and is great in covering the back end on passing downs.
Nothing but love for Corn.

But comparing Tennessee to Florida is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

The best players come from all over the place. Instead of worrying about uncoached Miami-Dade kids, how about finding the best players from wherever. Alabama sure doesn't seem to be relying on South Florida kids.

That wasn't the point.

No one compared Tennessee to Florida. The point is that a kid from Tennessee is outperforming everyone we have who IS from south Florida.
Will do, then I'll double back around and tell every NFL front office they got it wrong, the city of Miami should not be producing the most players in their league, and to drop everyone born here immediately. Thanks for the homework. I just hope I can warn them before it's too late.

When you join us here in the future, you will realize that the bulk of Miami-based NFL players came from here in the early 2000's. We can't recruit those people anymore.

I guess the last 3 years aren't recent enough? I must be crazy. Is this the future? What year is it!?!?

A simple "I was wrong" will work, thanks.

South Florida produces most NFL draftees in past three years

By Chase Goodbread
College Football 24/7 writer
Published: May 21, 2014 at 10:22 a.m

The South Florida area (Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties) has produced 57 NFL draft picks over the last three years, more than any metropolitan area in the nation, according to Top players from this year's draft who come from the area include Minnesota Vikings first-round pick Teddy Bridgewater, Carolina Panthers first-rounder Kelvin Benjamin and St. Louis Rams second-rounder Lamarcus Joyner.
this antwan feggit is a clown, this is the same guy who was calling the black players thugs and saying south florida athletes are too dumb and we should not recruit them so we know what he is about
Thanks to the out of state weirdos for weighing in on the most talented area for football talent on earth.

Get back to me after you browse the rosters from Alabama, Auburn, Oregon, and Oklahoma. Thanks.

oh yea also saw auburns roster and saw that one of there starting tackles is avery young guess where he is from hmmmmmmmmmmm, oh yea also saw one of their top wideouts his name is ricardo louis and guess where he came from???? i let you answer that one
Will do, then I'll double back around and tell every NFL front office they got it wrong, the city of Miami should not be producing the most players in their league, and to drop everyone born here immediately. Thanks for the homework. I just hope I can warn them before it's too late.

When you join us here in the future, you will realize that the bulk of Miami-based NFL players came from here in the early 2000's. We can't recruit those people anymore. If you cared about using relevant statistics, you would accept my challenge and look at the rosters of the best college teams in America. They couldn't care less about South Florida.

This makes no sense. Miami DC STILL produces top level talent. Just look at the RECENT numbers in the NFL. It's not really close.

And besides, those early 2000s players - how many were really from Miami? McKinnie? Dorsey? DJ? CC (RIP)? Buch? Rumph? Reed? Portis? Beard? Bibla?

You don't follow this debate very much, do you? None of your points makes any sense.
Clearly Antwans's argument is that the elite programs are not made up entirely of SF recruits.