

2028 is our year
Nov 3, 2011
Did an interview on scout with Chad Simmons. He says he is taking his decision all the way to signing day and we are in the mix (along with a bunch of other schools).

He says he likes our facilities and coaches, and likes how we have great players always hanging around.

Just passing it along.

Oh and he will probably narrow it down to 5 in the fall.
Sucks that these kids don't know or don't care how important their grades are until it's too late.
Listen fellas. Coley it NOT going to be a Hurricane. There is absolutely zero chance he ends up a Cane, despite what you may "hear" during the course of the 2013 recruiting cycle. He is an exceptional talent, there is no disputing. UM's class would be better with him than without.. but he won't be in Coral Gables. I'm just some random internet rabid Cane fan - I wouldn't listen to me if I were you - but I'd risk my NON-EXISTENT-TO-SMALL CANESINSIGHT (great forum by the way, even with the gheys) INTERNET REPUTATION on it.
Listen fellas. Coley it NOT going to be a Hurricane. There is absolutely zero chance he ends up a Cane, despite what you may "hear" during the course of the 2013 recruiting cycle. He is an exceptional talent, there is no disputing. UM's class would be better with him than without.. but he won't be in Coral Gables. I'm just some random internet rabid Cane fan - I wouldn't listen to me if I were you - but I'd risk my NON-EXISTENT-TO-SMALL CANESINSIGHT (great forum by the way, even with the gheys) INTERNET REPUTATION on it.

I believe this guy.
Listen fellas. Coley it NOT going to be a Hurricane. There is absolutely zero chance he ends up a Cane, despite what you may "hear" during the course of the 2013 recruiting cycle. He is an exceptional talent, there is no disputing. UM's class would be better with him than without.. but he won't be in Coral Gables. I'm just some random internet rabid Cane fan - I wouldn't listen to me if I were you - but I'd risk my NON-EXISTENT-TO-SMALL CANESINSIGHT (great forum by the way, even with the gheys) INTERNET REPUTATION on it.

I believe this guy.

+1. Taking him out of my mock class as I type
Lamar Miller had grade issues once as well. If Coley really wants to be a Cane, he will do the work. If he doesn't then he won't.
Listen fellas. Coley it NOT going to be a Hurricane. There is absolutely zero chance he ends up a Cane, despite what you may "hear" during the course of the 2013 recruiting cycle. He is an exceptional talent, there is no disputing. UM's class would be better with him than without.. but he won't be in Coral Gables. I'm just some random internet rabid Cane fan - I wouldn't listen to me if I were you - but I'd risk my NON-EXISTENT-TO-SMALL CANESINSIGHT (great forum by the way, even with the gheys) INTERNET REPUTATION on it.

I believe this guy.

Me too...there are gheys round here...