Coley is a little amped tonight

hey think about this

Coley is tweeting lines from scarface.. while Brewster is tweeting "natty" and "dawg"
not to be negative, but how do we know these tweets have any substance?

what if he's just psyching himself?

or maybe he's just excited about the current commits, which are good, and not necessarily any new ones?

It's possible he's just all hopped up on beer and painkillers.

Wish I were more of a drinker these would go good with my painkillers.
Is it possible to "Ignore Yourself" on this board?

I've always wondered what all this stuff means, like that little round orange thing with all the pointy ends, and the line of boxes underneath...and how to "neg" someone.

I'm such a wise-*** as my age I want to ignore myself.
Hope Coley knows something we don't

If he doesn't then we're in trouble.

@CoachColey: I want the WORLD Chico and everything in IT!!!!

IF this is real James Coley is my favorite coach in the world. Lol

:fistbump:I'm screaming Coley for HC from here on! lol Somebody explain the the #Dale tweets for me. So me & my coach speak the same language
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