Cole McConathy 4* DE from Spanish Fort, AL

I expect the Auburn offer to come in...followed by the usual Ole Miss, Arkansas, Miss State following...If Bama offer comes thats all she wrote.
Those deer mounted on the wal screams Miami lol. I’d love to land him but we seem to miss on these country guys a lot.

Pretty much this.

He's going to be licking his chops at the trailers parks on the outskirts of whatever middle of the pack SEC town he visits next.
Those deer mounted on the wal screams Miami lol. I’d love to land him but we seem to miss on these country guys a lot.
To be fair, the city of Louisville is about as non-country as it gets. The surrounding cities, definitely.
Even then. Some dudes aren’t into Deep sea but are the first ones to cast a line in the swamp.
Back country and freshwater aren’t bad. You also aren’t hunting every day all year if you are good at hunting. Thus, a trip to central Florida for deer/hog is manageable or heck go back home for a weekend. Even better, spend some NIL and go out west for mule deer or elk.

Cole is sitting with his pops right next to Bell. I also see Watkins 3 seats over. Y’all blind? This picture was posted in the Markell Bell thread.