Colbie Young Portal

It was reported guys we might be attached to will be asked to move on. Maybe this was not his choice.
Let me go delete my Restrepo will never transfer posts :madstare:

That's crazy that he is legitmately gonna follow TVD
WRs want to 1a) play in WR friendly offenses and 1b) go to places where they can eat

Now these two often go hand in hand but sometimes they they don’t… there maybe some uncertainties in life but for X the one thing he can count on is TVD is going to try and get him the ball. All be damned, right or wrong he’ll get his targets with him. So I wouldn’t be surprised by this one bit.
what a joke calling him a jag, over the last 10 years who have we had better on the outside? Richards, dorsett and maybe coley or kj Osborn.
If he was as good as you are alluding to he’d be announcing his intentions for the draft and not the portal he was the 3rd best receiver on his team
This must be how G5 and lower P5 schools feel. We take a skinny WR that nobody knew about or wanted and developed him into one of the best big body WRs in the ACC and before his senior season he leaves.

Sounds like a good recruiting pitch for his replacement
I can respect X following TVD his boy… he’s gonna spoon feed him 8-10 targets a game

No guarantee he gets nearly that many with whoever we bring in
Everyone here thinks they’re a 1st rounder.

God**** team was 7-5 and got **** on by any DB with a pulse.

But hey man, it’s a free country.
A short sighted move on his part as he’s basically telling the nfl he needs a specific qb succeed instead of putting up some numbers with another qb at Miami or some other school TVD doesn’t go to.
No clue.

The guy I wanted is now at Kentucky with the WR I wanted as well.
Yeah that actually surprised me. Good gets for UK. I thought Vandagriff woulda done better though.

What about George? If he's waiting to see who the QB is, I just wonder what he's hoping to see in the QB. Would limp noodle Rogers be enough for him to stick around?